Speed Drill Hədəflərivə Çat
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Orxan commits to:
Aşağıdakı hədəflərə çatıram:
10x 10 seconds Cards 10x 8 seconds Images 10x 8 seconds Numbers 15x 28 seconds Names 15x 30 in 60 seconds International Names 10x 28 seconds Words Names kodların hamısını qur, sırayla say
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My Commitment Journal
December 11, 2022, 3:54 PM
10x 10 seconds Cards; 10x 8 seconds Images; 10x 8 seconds Numbers; 15x 28 seconds Names; 15x 30 in 60 seconds International Names; 11x 28 seconds Words. |
December 10, 2022, 4:00 PM
7x 10 seconds Cards; 4x 8 seconds Images; 5x 8 seconds Numbers; 3x 28 seconds Names; 6x 30 in 60 seconds International Names; 3x 28 seconds Words. |
This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
December 6 to December 13