No more "I´ll start my diet next Monday!" excuses! There is no reason you can´t begin your weight loss journey right here, right now. Weight loss and healthy eating requires some planning and purpose and an effort to include a variety of foods in your meals. Ready to make a commitment to lose weight and stickK to it?
"Good and bad. Weighed 58.5kg this morning so I’ve reached goal for this week but I overate today. Because I went off plan and ate too much this morning which meant I just went ‘all or nothing’ mindset. I was also really hungry overnight so should have eaten more yesterday. I cancelled gym membership because I honestly don’t want a really muscley body anymore. But feel like that’s kinda a big part of my personality. I will still go to gym when I’m away. I actually wanna lose a bit of muscle so I can be skinnier and also have more energy."
"Going well. Pretty happy with my muscle definition today but still bigger than I’d like to be. Kinda wanna lose muscle tbh. I want to be toned but less big. Want to weigh in tomorrow"
"Today is the Monday 11/18/2024 and I just done with my stickk commitment to learn English at academic level, I know It's not easy even kind of scary when It can lose money I need be more carful and spend more time to so. "
"All good. I’m at 58.9 today, meaning I reached my goal for this week and just need to lose 0.3 this week. Hoping to lose more than that as I can see next week being difficult but we’ll see! All of it is compounding, I’m already a kilogram lighter than when I started so surely I will reach my goal! I want it so bad"
Daha önce bu platformda bir kere başlayıp 3 kilo kadar vermiş ancak devamını getiremeyip bırakmıştım.
Tam zamanlı işe başladıktan sonra 3 ay içerisinde 8 kilo alarak 92'e çıktım...
Ama her şeyi baştan aşağı değiştirmek üzereyim :)
Geçtiğimiz hafta bu platformla birlikte zayıflamak için yeniden bir hedef belirledim.
Normalde başlangıç kilomu 91.5 kg olarak belirlemiştim ancak başlama gününe kadar bir hafta içerisinde biraz fazladan vererek 91.15 kg olarak başlıyorum :D
İlk hafta oldukça çerez geçecek gibi duruyor, süreci günlük olarak paylaşacağım.
İlk 1-2 hafta spor yapmadan sadece beslenmeme dikkat edeceğim. Hali hazırda kısa bir süredir ambalajlı ürün ve fast-food tüketmiyorum. Sürecin kalanında da bu titizlikle devam edeceğim.
Gündelik programımda protein ağırlıklı sağlıklı yiyeceklere yönelmeye çalışacağım, bunun yanı sıra "bahs" marka öğün tozu kullanarak açlığımı düşük kalori/zengin besin içerigi ile bastıracağım. (Her bir öğün tozu yarım litre su ile içildiği için su tüketimime de faydası oluyor)
Sabahları durum güncellemesi, bazı akşamlar da kendimden bir şeyler paylaşmayı planlıyorum.
Şimdilik bu kadar :)"
"Find it easier when I don’t exercise actually. Don’t want to lose my muscle but also I wanna lose the weight and I think I have enough muscle underneath that if I do less weight training I will still look toned. Did well today. Excited to find out where I’m at"
"I think it is going well? I did 2 days of deficit and aiming to do 2 more before weigh in. Today is going really well. Haven't exercised though because i am ill but tbh when I lost weight before I barely exercised so hopefully this will actually help then I can rebuild a little muscle again to look toned. Obviously want to reach my goal weight as soon as possible so it allows me a safety margin on weeks I am away or means I can return to maintenance sooner. Hoping to be 59.1 or less on Tuesday."
"Hi, I lost my momentum around June this year when I got off the Thyroid medication. This resulted in stomach issues, fatigue, weight gain and pushed me off my diet plan. It took 3 months to recover from the thyroid setback; pushing my weight up to around 93kgs. Transition plan? I ended up putting on another 6 kgs during holidays plus my India trip. This time I am going to restart with experience. Keeping up my healthy calorie intake. Additionally, I won't be repeating the mistakes I made previously (getting off the diet etc.). The first time I started, it took me less than 3 months to drop over 9 kilos. Lets beat it this time. Less gooo! "
"I'm starting a serious journey today
I'm going to give this my 100%
No doubts
Idk whether I'll keep up with this journey but if I fail I'll be very disappointed "
"Want to get back into the mindset of enjoying being hungry. I like feeling thin and feeling toned and like I have a flat stomach. If I stick to 1400 for the next few days I should reach this week’s goal weight"
"Just started. Not clear on my 'how' steps to achieve this so I'll set one condition right now for the first week (through Sunday). No food after 8pm commitment."
"I really really do want to reach my goal though. Maybe I just do that then, but of nicotine actually suppresses my appetite and I want so bad to wake up feeling not bloated. I feel so much more confident and better in myself."
"Honestly not too sure how well I’m doing because I’m walking a lot but also eating a lot. And all I need to do is maintain but like I do wake up feeling bloated but then I think it’s also just different food and surely after a couple days I will lose the water weight. Does make me a bit worried for all the other trips I’m going on tho but I guess it’s a lot easier to track when just a few days and this is such a huge holiday"
"I am inventing my own method for losing weight: more water, scheduled eating times and whole foods (exceptions after first week to include yogurt or non-pasteurized cheeses with dark bread)."
"Ate wayy too much today. Definitely in a surplus and I feel crap in my body and uncomfortably full like I don’t want to lie down. I don’t want to feel like this again. I want to do maintenance or less tomorrow. I want to be skinny 55-56kg by the time I move in with my partner. One day off is ok but want to get back on it because I feel so much better in myself and more confident when feeling a little hungry. O think it’ll help if I drink less alcohol and maybe use Snus instead"
"Actually so glad I committed to this otherwise I would've gone so crazy on holiday and now I worry less and appreciate more. I walked lots today and ate around 2200 cals I reckon. I also reckon I did the same yesterday. All I need to do is maintain while I am away. I hope a few good days and the rest at maintenance then I will be fine. Especially since I am walking so much because in Japan I maintained even though I ate so much some days."
"So good. I am 59.1kg today, meaning I just need to maintain while on holiday. Will be hard but I’ll be doing so much walking and won’t want to be bloated. I can do this"