Health - Fitness Boost! Star this Commitment
Day 61 of 61

MamaGold20 commits to:
- Stretch Daily - no excuses.
- 7 30-minute workouts per week
- Pickup/Dropoff, on foot, weather permitting.

See commitment journal for more details.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 20, 2023, 1:31 PM
Still plugging alone. Stretching has become extremely natural. Yesterday was rough on me (overbooked my day, unsupported/poorly planned child carrying) so I'm pretty beat today with a poor outlook. That being said, i was riding a "get fit" high last night, so maybe I'm at a tipping point to push through. Been having more fun cooking again and thinking of making my next goal about moderate workout/creative healthy eating. But today, rest and report writing (for work).
January 20, 2023, 1:21 PM
How is this going? Stuff still happening every day?
January 5, 2023, 8:22 PM
I'm so glad to hear about your 7 workouts! That's awesome!! Keep it up. Also celebrate the little wins.

Yes... the people who say 'we all have the same 24 hours' clearly do not have young kids. The lack of downtime when we are working on ACTUALLY taking care of ourselves is such a barrier. I feel it too with these self care tasks.
January 5, 2023, 8:16 PM
Only reported on workouts OOPS. Missing a lot of pickup/drop off due to school break but having no problem with it AND finding that I prefer walking than picking up with a car. Checking the weather as you recommended and doing some slightly rainy pickups are easy peasy. Thank goodness for this beautiful un-seasonable warmth which has made pickup WONDERFUL recently (can't wait for real spring!).

Stretching is SO important. I think I need to rework my stretching regimen. I've asked my sister Shannon to make me a personalized regimen (completion TBD, may rely on her finishing more schooling lol). I just feel that I'm overstetching *not a real thing* on lower activity days and understetching on high activity days. Also feeling the time crunch/rushing through stretching sometimes - must work on time management. I feel that if my stretching is more routine/targeted that I will continue stretching forevermore!

Still feeling old. Better than I have in the last 2.5 years but still... Have to stick with this for continued health!

Weight-loss update: Spoke with my PT yesterday about raising the bar and targeting endurance/weight loss but only if she works with her colleague to support me as a nursing mother. I will not sacrifice my milk supply to lose a few pounds, especially with how great I feel and how healthy M is. Hope to have more details on that before this goal is up to set up for my next goal
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January 30
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January 29
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January 28
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January 27
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