Operation Butt in Gear Star this Commitment
Day 42 of 42

RosyB commits to:
Getting down on the mat for minimum 5 minutes of exercise and stretches daily, 4-6 days per week.
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My Commitment Journal
October 3, 2022, 8:10 PM
Finally did it! Got my butt in gear and got down on the matt. Did:
-pelvic tilts to bridges (about 2 sets of 6-10)
-cat-cows (about 5)
-heels on butt quad stretch
-toe lifts (2 sets of 10-14)
-knee lifts (2 sets of 10)
-abs lean-back (4 reps of static holds)
-calf and hamstring stretch with strap
-rolled out calf and quad
September 19, 2022, 11:41 AM
Yesterday, I had a great exercise session. This is what I did:

Pelvic tilts (5), bridges (3x12), toe raises (3x12/side), knee lifts (3x12/side), seated abs (slide forward, arms extended, then back, arms folded on chest) (3x5, slowly w control). Stretches: Knees side-to-side, single leg kbee-to-chest stretch, forward bend, quad stretch (sitting on heels), hamstring & calf w strap stretch.
September 12, 2022, 10:41 PM
Day 2 complete! Got down on the mat, did around 7-8 cat-cows, then 5-ish pelvic tilts and 8 or so mini-bridges. Sat on my heels to stretch quads then stretched hams and calf on left leg before some forward bends. Small progress: was easier to get up off mat today compared to yesterday.
September 11, 2022, 9:43 PM
This one is a bare-bones, hyper-basic commitment, but it is the right kind of commitment for now. Inspired by Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory, the Transtheoretical Model of Change, and random tidbits of knowledge gained throughout the years, this commitment is purposefully small.

Today, Day 1, I put on my music, got down on the matt, and did some pelvic tilts (about 7) and 5 mini-bridges. I then did a few stretches, including my left leg and calf with strap, and stretched the front of my thighs (quads) by sitting on my heels. It is a sign of just how tight my muscles have become that just sitting on my heels was very good stretch on my left side. All the more reason to do this more regularly!

Getting back up off the mat wasn't easy, but I managed to do it, and it will only become easier the more I get down there and back up again. Wish me luck!
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Displaying 1-4 of 42 results.
October 22
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
October 21
Not Successful
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October 20
Not Successful
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October 19
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
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