100 Days of Fitness Star this Commitment
Week 15 of 15

RosyB commits to:
I commit to exercising daily for 30 minutes, for 100 days ending on May 18th. Exercising can be anything, from video programs (FD Series, Hip Flexor Series), self-selected exercises, stationnary bike, yoga/stretching, pilates, etc.
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My Commitment Journal
February 10, 2022, 12:31 PM
Day 3/100: Feel asleep on the couch before exercising. A work around to save my commitment is to make up the day by adding 30 minutes to another day. I might officially allow myself this workaround, but limit it to max 2 times per week, because needing to make it up by doing 1 hour another day can quickly become overwhelming. But there are two weekend days where I have more time, so a max of 2 days where I miss the daily 30 that must be made up other days could work well enough, I hope.

So far, I've completed 2 out of 3 days of 100, otherwise expressed as 2(3)/100.
February 10, 2022, 12:27 PM
Forgot to report here Day 2/100 on Tuesday: 30 minutes of bridges, mobility drills (pelvic tilts, cat dogs), stretches (knee pendulums, single and double leg knees to chest, quads, calves, hams, forward bends, side bends), toes raises, and 1 squat before being saved by the bell.
February 8, 2022, 2:38 AM
Day 1/100: 32 minutes of bridges, mobility exercises (cat cow, pelvic tilts), stretches for quads, hams, calves and for back (knee pendulums, single leg knee to chest, forward bends), and standing knee raises.
February 7, 2022, 1:49 AM
Wanting to make fitness a part of my life, knowing that a too-bid commitment can easily be overwhelming, I have chosen to commit to something simple and achievable. If all I am up for, if all I can be bothered to do one day is stretching for 30 minutes, that is good, that is fine.
I aim to include the FD series and HF series in MS Workouts on heavy rotation, and some stationary biking sprinkled throughout the week. As long as I do 7 days of 30 minutes of some fitness-type activity, I'll commit $70 to my success fund. If I don't do what I set out to do, I am penalized by hurting myself and my progress, harming my project of developing habits to become a healthier, more self-loving person, and will commit $25 to the hideous Grand-Father Nurgle.
15 successful weeks would yield many rewards, including a hefty $1050. That would be a good contribution to an electric-assisted bike/trike. Something to think about. Massage therapy would also be good rewards. Both are supportive of the identity being built as a person who actively takes care of herself.
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Displaying 1-4 of 15 results.
May 16 to May 23
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
May 9 to May 16
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
May 2 to May 9
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
April 25 to May 2
Not Successful
No report submitted
No report submitted
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