Manage my Finances Star this Commitment
Week 52 of 52

Alison2310 commits to:
Managing my finances to (1) Be aware, at all times, what I have in the bank and to keep my Current Account in credit without dipping into savings, (2) Keep on top of what I'm earning, that I'm paid by anyone who owes me money, earning enough so that I don't have to dip into my savings, (3) To save what I can and (4) To minimise wasteful, frivolous and remorseful spending.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 2, 2023, 10:09 AM
It’s the last report of 2022 and I’m setting my stall out to have a more productive, more successful year when it comes to every area of my life – but finances are at the heart of it, as I know that the uncertainty of whether I’ll earn enough to transfer enough each money for bills, fun and expenses is a fear I have to stand up to and combat.

Despite budgeting, Christmas was massively expensive so I’m now going to have to stop spending willy-nilly again. I still need to convince myself that I can accept Terry’s offer of me not paying into the Fun and Food account which is also making me realise that I have to do a lot of accepting in order to switch my brain off and be happy. Today I am happy because my plates all feel as thought they’re spinning (more or less) at the same time – there are a couple of wobbles with covid still hanging around and Mum and Dad being the age they are – I can do nothing about these things.

I am owed money by The Eccentric Englishman but I’m going to leave that alone – I can lead a horse to water…. and all that. I have some prospects for work with some of the ex-Olivetti dealers and the Print IT Reseller magazine, so I’m pretty confident that January and February should be ok.

So to the scores for the past week (70% to pass):
1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: 95% (A)
2) Keep Remorseful / Frivolous / Wasteful Spend to a Minimum: 100% (A)
3) Full Payment by Customers / Family / Band*: 90% (B)
(*This is where I've sent an invoice/asked for payment)
Therefore, I award myself the following Score/Grade: 95% (B)
December 19, 2022, 4:11 PM
1) Current Account in credit in it’s own right: 100% (A)
2) Keep Remorseful, Frivolous or Wasteful spend to a minimum 80% (B)
3) Full Payment by Customers, Family or Band (where invoices are due): 90% (B+)
Therefore I award myself the following Score/Grade: 90% (B)
December 12, 2022, 9:27 AM
So far, I'm managing to juggle Christmas and all the payments I owe my Credit Card for expenses. Nearly all my customers have paid me now, I'm just waiting for TEE to pay the 2nd half of my expenses for the Web Hosting and, this morning, I need to invoice Lizzie again for another 5 hours' work (although I did do 7 hours but will roll that over to the next lot).

Christmas is massively expensive but I have budgeted for it and I also have to budget for 2021-2 Tax, which, fortunately, isn't too much. Next year is going to be well into the £000s so I need to be mindful of that.

I keep seeing things I want that I haven't put on my Christmas wish-list but, so far, I'm avoiding the temptation to hit the PayPal button - I wish I could say the same about the pink wine button :-(.

Anyway, so to the scores for the past week (70% to pass):
1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: 95% (A)
2) Keep Remorseful / Frivolous / Wasteful Spend to a Minimum: 100% (A)
3) Full Payment by Customers / Family / Band*: 90% (B)
(*This is where I've sent an invoice/asked for payment)
Therefore, I award myself the following Score/Grade: 95% (B)
December 5, 2022, 3:15 PM
A bit of a frustrating week. I have had to wait to be paid by TEE and still don't know if she wants me to continue with her website yet. I can't figure out if Michael at ER thinks I'm to blame for all the additional spam that's been contacting him through his website or not but I'm certainly feeling quite bad about invoicing him for the time I've put in to try to sort it all out. Nick Fisher's business is now onhold until the new year as he's running out of funds until his Service Scheme take off and I'm just waiting to see what happens with the Heritage boys in the new year too. Ho hum!

Things are starting to quieten down now that Christmas is round the corner so I will need to start thinking about what I do to attract business for the coming year.

As I have a lot of expenses to claim from the work account to pay my Credit Card bill in December, my current account and credit card bill looks much worse than they actually are, but, as I'm now starting to buy Christmas presents, both my current account and credit card are ready to take the hit - so I do feel in control even though it looks bad.

So here are my scores for the past week (70% to pass):
1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: 95% (B+)
2) Keep Remorseful / Frivolous / Wasteful Spend to a Minimum: 100% (A)
3) Full Payment by Customers / Family / Band*: 100% (A)
(*This is where I've sent an invoice/asked for payment)
Therefore, I award myself the following Score/Grade: *98% (A)
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 52 results.
December 26 to January 2
December 19 to December 26
December 12 to December 19
December 5 to December 12
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Total at stake: $260.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $5.00
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