Do at least 2 psych study sessions ... Star this Commitment
Week 5 of 5

CherryTrees commits to:
Stay back on Mondays&Wednesdays to study perception&cognition
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My Commitment Journal
June 11, 2020, 8:01 AM
Oh dear. I have fallen off the wagon this week! I have been pretty under the weather though so I don't feel too guilty about it.
'finding how to follow that echo is like following signposts in a fog'. That is really beautiful. I am trying to figure out how to do that too. How to follow God's will?
My brain is very foggy during this lockdown but yes I don't rule out the possibility that all the stories are real. One day all the galaxies will be too far away for anyone to see from earth even with telescopes. If people survive that long the only proof they will have that the other galaxies ever existed will be ancient texts. Works as a metaphor too though I think.
I think I'm starting to understand. I hope I at least sometimes follow the echo properly. I think you are following the echo by encouraging me on here :)
Yes JP has had a very rough time lately. Just before he went into rehab I tried to tell him about new developments in theories around the physiology of trauma and how to overcome it but of course he gets thousands of posts on reddit. I think he has a lot to teach people, but he also needs to learn some very important things.
Thank you for helping me to understand the life of Jesus. One of the beautiful things is that you could happily learn more about him for your whole life I think :)
May 28, 2020, 1:42 AM
I am so tempted to read this right now... looks so interesting... but I will wait until Saturday when I can give it my full attention. Thanks for saving me the trouble of reading the whole Bible ;)
May 25, 2020, 1:51 PM
The very first prophecy of Christ dying is here in Genesis 3.15, when God speaks to the snake in the Garden of Eden (which you're probably : "And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He (Christ) will strike your (the snake's)head, and you (snake) will strike his (Christ's) heel.” This occurs right at the beginning of the Bible and in the first three preceding chapters we see God creating a perfect world, perfect man and woman, perfect relationships of all things with each other and with God. All this perfect balance in relationships and quality was lost with sin: When the Snake tempted Eve to think differently about God, and consequently different about what God said, and Adam and Eve's actions sealed the deal of sin. Sin, as God said, produces death as a consequence.

That passage in Genesis 3.15 is a prophecy, and all through the twists and turns of the Old Testament, this prophecy comes back again and again in prophecy and prophetic symbols: That, one day this Christ will come and start recreating everything with that perfect balance harmony in relationships between humanity, earth, and God. Christ did this by being that perfect Person and living that Perfect Life for the time He was here on Earth.

When Christ died, He was the perfect substitute for broken people. He was not broken Himself so his death wasn't to pay the consequences of His own sin, but instead, He experienced death for broken people, shouldering the costs of their sins. (Am I fascinated by sacrifice like your Christian badminton friends? Yeah, probably) His death, was the serpent's heel strike. But in 3 days He resurrected, breaking the permanent power of death. In the words of the apostle Paul: "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. " (I Corinthians 15.54-56)

So, Christ not only took the death penalty for our sin, but more He has begun the work of restoring people to be who they were created to be, with the relationships they should have between each other, with the relationship with God, and with the earth as well.

Now, much stronger than a metaphor, it's a reality. Without the realness of this event, all we can really offer is frustration. What good is it to train someone to have run a perfect marathon, if their ankles are broken? By the time their ankles partially heal, and they start training passably, the marathon is long over. This marathon is our life, that's running swiftly. Trying to self-improve our way into harmonious and productive living simply takes too long. The gains are offset by the areas where gains still need to be made. Overcoming adversity only means there is more adversity to overcome and there is too much adversity for one broken man (as Peterson's own crushing routine came crashing down, followed by a months-long hiatus in Russia, and the ensuing stark re-evaluation of the man and his message). But, Christ is superior, in that He reshapes the broken pieces of the clay pot housing our soul into another vessel and fills that generously to the brim with the Love of God, so wherever we go, we can slosh and spill that Love of God into other people's cups that need to be topped off.

I'm not really writing a thesis or a book. Again, I'm convinced that Jesus's life was just a fulfillment of God's will as His death was. and that as Christ's healing and charity a fulfillment of God's will then, so I should fulfill God's will in being generous to the poor and helping those who suffer now. Christ's life and example from back in history are a beautiful echo that, and finding how to follow that echo is like following signposts in the fog. Like JP says, as we focus on one path, and pass one signpost in the fog, we see the next one. All this studying and reading I'm doing is to get to the next signpost.

I hope you have a great new week full of psych study and badminton with your awesome friends!
May 23, 2020, 10:56 PM
Not quite crushing it but doing better than before I started this site I'm happy to be making some progress at least :)

Ok. So Jesus died to fulfill god's will. But why did God will Jesus to die? Do you think Jesus's death and resurrection saves us because we can see that we too can metaphorically rise above the suffering and malevolence inflicted on us? To your question: I think maybe he lived to show an example of how to live with his acts of healing and charity? That is probably a very naive opinion though because I'm not religious, just open minded and curious.

Your research sounds very interesting. I have never really thought about the influence of Jewish thinking on my good friend Freud. And I'm sure it would be interesting to learn more about that and the differences and similarities between Jewish and Christian thought in general. Are you doing a thesis or writing a book?

Yes JP is totally worth it in my opinion. If you have heard of him it is probably for his controversial stance on gender language. I kind of wish he would settle down a bit about all of that. I became interested in him because of one of my other good friends, Carl Jung. I tried to understand him years ago and gave up. JP loves him so when I stumbled on his YouTube videos which analyse The Lion King and Pinocchio from a Jungian perspective my fascination was reignited. His bible stories talks explain things I would never have realised, but I won't embarrass myself by giving examples because it is probably all obvious to you. A couple of guys I play badminton with are Christian and they love JP. We talk about him a lot. I'm most interested in the things he says about goal setting, especially the genes that switch on when we challenge ourselves, the ideas that mysteriously come to us when we really focus on a goal etc. My friends seem to be more interested in the idea of sacrifice. I think there will be something in it for you, but like me, you will probably want him to settle down a bit about some topics.
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