Learn how to learn Star this Commitment
Week 7 of 7

TeoKr commits to:
Write a report about what I learned in regards of how to learn and from what source.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 6, 2020, 4:43 PM
Goals til 12.4.
- Finish the recap of the next chapter in Mastery by Greene and make notes
- Finish the Coursera Learning How to Learn course (15h)
April 6, 2020, 8:39 AM
Hlavní princip pro to si něco zapamatovat je opakování s mezerami (spaced repetition), nejdřív zopakovat hned po čerstvém naučení a pak časové mezery postupně oddalovat dál a dál.

Naučil jsem se 20 tipů jak si věci zapamatovávat. Primární princip je věc pochopit a naučit se jí, než se ji budu snažit zapamatovat, pak maximální simplifikace faktů co se učím a všechno co se skládá z více, rozdělit a jednotlivě se sám otázkami zkoušet na odpovědi co se skládají jen z pár slov.
Dál, používání obrázků, vynechávání částí vět/obrázků a doplňování je, spojení faktu s něčím co znám z vlastního života nebo se emocionálně silnou/divnou událostí. Mind mapy se taky hodí na vizuální spojení.
March 22, 2020, 9:59 PM
Future belongs to those people who can combine unrelated fields and ideas and combine them in creative ways. Intellectual work needs to be switched with working with hands and creating tangible products.
March 22, 2020, 9:51 PM
Reading Mastery by Robert Greene:
Value opportunities that I can learn from the most over everything else. Focus on practical knowledge, not just learning theory from books. Go into the field. Get your hands dirty.

Learning has 3 stages:
1. Observation of whatever field I'm interested in. See how thinks work, what people are succeeding or failing and why is it so --what do they do that gives them this outcome? I need to not make theories until I have enough information (advice for life in general aswell). By knowing my environment I will not re-invent the wheel and will not make unecessary mistakes. Also observation of unknown territory will be a lifelong skill, which I can use anywhere.

2. Gaining skills. Hands on practice is always better than learning theory. I need to focus on one skill at a time or I will sabotage what I retain. It is better to practice and learn through intense focus on one thing for 3 hours, rather then spend 8 hours multitasking and distracted every couple of minutes while learning. I know that I will truly overcome boredom only by the satisfaction of overcoming new challenges, not by instant gratification, that will only make me feel worse.

3. Making my own experiments. Exposing what I've created or came up with to the public. Getting critique from a single person can prepare me for how the public will react, so I can prepare for that. Don't wait to start experimenting, start before you're ready.
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Displaying 1-4 of 7 results.
April 26 to May 3
April 19 to April 26
April 12 to April 19
April 5 to April 12
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Total at stake: $161.00
Stakes per period: $23.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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