Check in every evening with progres... Star this Commitment
Day 15 of 15

maximumpeaches commits to:
Commitments can change for good reason, but need to add info on why they changed. Can also add commitments.

I want to start out with the commitment of eating barley, wheat berries, blueberries, mixed nuts, beef, nut butter, and the vegetables I have.

I also want to commit to not eating past 4pm, and to continuing to go to bed between 9 and 10pm and wake up at 7am. I'd also like to record my progress on using the sunlamp and try to do every morning (though not strict).
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My Commitment Journal
February 22, 2020, 8:49 PM
I've been doing alright. I think it's from lack of sunlight that I was depressed. Wild to kind of realize that. Hopefully it turns out it was the actual reason.
February 20, 2020, 5:28 AM
I think I did okay today considering the amount of temptation I felt. I was pretty miserable. I think part of the reason is that I ate poorly and slept at the wrong times recently, but overall I just seem fragile and I want to get out of the situation where I feel so fragile.

One interesting thing that happened today was I felt better after talking with people. Mostly it was talking about work or other stuff, not necessarily fun topics, and I didn't *choose* to talk to people, but I felt much better after doing so. I think that was really an important experience how I just felt better from talking.

Tomorrow I want to eat a bunch of nuts because I remember feeling good last week when eating them, and they have a good glycemic index and are filling so why the hell not.

I'm also very interested in sunlight. I can easily go for a walk along the water for 40 minutes before work. Why not do that? I can also easily expose myself to 15 minutes under the sunlamp at home. Why not try that too? Another idea is to work remotely in LA for a week. I definitely want to do that if I am considering moving there, and maybe just as a fun vacation. I think a good first step is to ramp up the sunlamp exposure and see what happens. I would rather rely on the sunlamp than on the actual sun or on living next to the beach in LA because then if I need to live in say, NYC for a year, I can do so and still survive with the sunlamp. Also the amount of sun is very controlled with the sunlamp, so I can see precisely how much sun is needed. I felt very awake this morning and I think it's probably from using the sunlamp for a total of 6 minutes yesterday. So I think a good step for tomorrow is to do 9 minutes while watching YouTube, and then see how I feel and maybe stick with 9 minutes for a while or ramp it up some more. Then observe my depression and energy levels and see what happens. It seems like I did have more energy in the morning from 6 minutes so I want to definitely repeat that experiment. Ultimately something needs to change, but I can be patient.
February 19, 2020, 2:37 AM
Today I didn't eat according to the plan because I have a bunch of spices and sauces, and a candy bar in large part because I forgot my food at home. I also took a nap which interfered with the going to bed at a good time goal. I don't think I ate as poorly as I would have usually because I left work early. I was also depressed, I guess because I didn't eat well yesterday or go to bed at a great time yesterday. Not super depressed but a little.
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Displaying 1-4 of 15 results.
March 3
Not Successful
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March 2
March 1
February 29
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Political: American Crossroads (Super PAC supporting Republican Party))
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Total at stake: $75.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $20.00
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