Try to find food allergy Star this Commitment
Day 12 of 12

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Realized I may well have a food allergy. Going to eat beef, sweet potatoes, and a nut butter made of walnuts, almonds, salt and vanilla bean. This stickk is for tracking the progress and reflections. I'd like to eat this way until the 15th or 17th, and then try eating gluten and see if the gas comes back and how I feel. Or maybe I will just stick with this diet for a longer time and slowly add back healthy foods. Either way I want to track and reflect once a day.
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February 10, 2020, 5:42 AM
So some context... I have had really bad gas for years. I originally thought it was lactose intolerance and I was just bad at avoiding dairy. I have in the past six months gotten very very good at avoiding dairy (of course we never know what we don't know, but I think I am very good at it). Yet I still have a ton of gas, i.e. burping for 1 to 2 hours every night nonstop, or if I make myself not burp, then painful stomach and really bad farts the next day.

The interesting thing is that I also started having health concerns around the same time I developed the gas thing. I have had the health concerns for years now (10 years about) and have never had a successful diagnosis. I have seen many doctors over this time period and none of them have any idea what it is. I've at this point learned some triggers (alcohol, weed, and things like not getting good sleep) but I also live with the symptoms. So the question is, do I have some sort of food allergy or intolerance or autoimmune disease that causes the gas and these mystery symptoms? I would be fucking ecstatic if I could find a diet that would cure my symptoms, as they are pretty intense (although I guess I manage them so they don't ruin my life at this point).

I have tried in the past to eliminate one specific food group which I was suspicious of, or to add one specific food which I thought might work, and that was different than the approach I'm going to take now in some important ways. Now I'm really building a diet from the ground up. I'm going to eat beef, sweet potatoes, and a nut butter for a week or two minimum and see how it makes me feel. That eliminates a ton of suspect foods, rather than one at a time. Another thing I think I should probably do that's different than what I've done in the past is I should just stick with this diet indefinitely and slowly incorporate new foods which I think might be okay. What food do I end up craving after a week of doing this? Is it apples? Well add apples back in and see how you feel (fructose intolerance is a thing, though, so do it in a regimented way). I just think it makes more sense to build a diet from ground up rather than eliminating one or two suspect food groups and seeing what happens because there are so many different food allergies out there. Honestly cavepeople would've been ecstatic to have unlimited sweet potatoes, beef and nut butter, and so I can definitely be happy with that.

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