Stop Wasting Money Star this Commitment
Week 50 of 50

Alison2310 commits to:
Managing my finances by remaining in Credit in my Current Account, and not taking money from other Accounts, as an emergency measure. I also commit to try Not to Waste Money on Frivolous things and also Make Sure I Don’t Lend Money unnecessarily and make sure People Pay Me what I’m Owed.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 4, 2021, 10:02 AM I still had one more report left - doh! Well, I've started off 2021 in a good place, financially. I managed to put away £200 into my savings account, at the end of December, and that's after putting a budget in place to pay my hefty December Credit Card bill in January.

At the moment, I still feel in control but I must remember to try not to spend money just because I have it. I think this really is my last report for this commitment so thanks StickK - it's been a blast. I'll set up a new one for 2021.

So here are my final results:
1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: A, 2) No Remorseful / Wasteful / Frivolous Spend: A, 3) People Owing Me Money: A. Therefore, I award myself a resounding Grade A.
December 28, 2020, 11:11 AM
Well, this is it, my last StickK Report of 2020. I have to say that I'm so glad of this app. It's really helped me to focus on keeping my finances in check and also, allows me to explore my mindset as to why I waste money - when I do.

I've learned a few things about myself through this year, due to Covid 19 and by keeping my StickK Report going:
1) I am actually pretty good at managing my finances BUT I have to have a system, Without StickK and my spreadsheet, I would flounder.

2) When I waste money it's because I think I need something to make me feel better or more confident. Classic example: buying costumes for my Blonde & Beyond Tribute act - man, do I waste some money on that!! Before a gig I get so stressed that I'm not believable, so I feel I need to make myself look more like Debbie Harry so I search for the clothes she wears and make-up and wigs - until I spent money on having highlights in my hair, which was actually a much better solution. This is completely wasteful and was all about wanting to hide behind a look to make people think I was more credible.

3) I do still waste money on my well-being - stuff like psychology courses (I've never finished), books (I've never finished reading), homeopathic products (that don't work). Nonsense really.

4) I have also learned that I don't need as much money as I thought I did. I've been on furlough since April 1st and, in that time, I've saved nearly £1700. That's actual savings that I've transferred to a safe place. I've not been to an ATM since March, I've put fuel in my car 4 times this year and I've not been singing so I have only had one vocal coaching session. Admittedly, I haven't been earning any money from The PommyGranites band or Blonde& Beyond or from Tangerine Design & PR. I sometimes wonder what my finances, and my StickK report would be like if things had continued without Covid. We'll never know.

5. Christmas is a big spending month for me but I didn't realise how much until I looked back over the last 2 years' StickK Report Spreadsheets. This year, I have actually managed to rein it all back a bit and still end up in credit!

6. I really need to set some boundaries when it comes to people owing me money. If I'm to resurrect Tangerine, I need to grow a spine and charge more for my work. This is going to sound dreadful, but, if my Mum asks me to buy things on her behalf, in future, I need to charge her slightly more than the items are, because she always short-changes me when she repays me! Ok, she's my Mum, but as the saying goes "if you look after the pennies the pounds will look after themselves".

So, as I end this year's commitment I will set up a new one for 2021 but here are my final Grades for now:
1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: A, 2) Remorseful / Frivolous / Wasteful Spend: A, 3) People Owing Me Money: B+. Therefore, I award myself the following Final Grade: A

Thank you StickK and my lovely supporters. Happy New Year! Xx
December 21, 2020, 5:21 PM
I'm not going to dwell on how bad I'm feeling about Christmas, not spending it with Karen and Peter, as planned, as they're now in Tier 4 (by 3 miles) while we and Mum and Dad are still in Tier 2 (in M&D's case by half a mile - if they lived 1/2 mile down the road they would also be in Tier 4!). Karen is trying to make me guilty (and succeeding) that I'm not prepared to let them break the law and come to us. I feel sooo bad! So, like I said, I'm not dwelling on that....ok I just did.

Moving on, I have now completed my Christmas shopping - although, it's all a bit pointless.....not dwelling ...... and I got paid, by Olivetti, almost what I would have done had I not been furloughed, for December, which is great news and I'm grateful for that.

Also, Mum's cheque arrived (for the items I bought on her behalf from others). I had to chuckle because the amount was 9p less than the full amount - clearly to make it a round number. I need to claim some stationery expenses back from Olivetti, but, under the circumstances (and the incredible hamper Dave sent us), I might not bother about that, as it's not, wait, that's my old habit - I WILL claim it back in January.

I spent some money on myself for the first time this week - I didn't feel that guilty either, which is a first. However, that stops here!

So, let's go straight to the Grades, as I think this is my last StickK Report of this Commitment but I will renew it in January - maybe call it "Keep Managing My Money Well" - it sounds more positive than stopping doing something:

1) Current Account in Credit in its Own Right: A, 2) Remorseful / Frivolous / Wasteful Spend: C, People Owing me Money: B: Therefore, I award myself the following Grade: B-
Ako I
December 14, 2020, 3:15 PM
Girl you are doing great and keeping yourself busy:)
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 50 results.
December 28 to January 4
December 21 to December 28
December 14 to December 21
December 7 to December 14
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Total at stake: $250.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $5.00
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