Verbal Behavior Essay Star this Commitment

Youcanbeahero commits to:
completing an essay on the topic of verbal behavior by adding no less than 200 words each day. The essay should be complete on 08/18/19
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
August 16, 2019, 2:40 AM
I'm so glad you've finished but are also seeing this extra time as a chance to improve this!

Also, this is an interesting notion because not only is it difficult to experiment on children's behavior, but you have to deal with the parents as well. Who's to say that doing an experiment where, for example, following a child's behavior over a series of years where the parents have to do specific things to get to a goal for their child's behavior isn't dictating parenting. An experiment like this would have to be delicately explained because the makers of the tiny humans are easily spooked. Just a thought but I imagine that an experiment like this, although a long one, would yield interesting results.
August 14, 2019, 3:13 PM
I am done! Four days before the deadline, too. But this project is far from complete. I still have to do a lot of editing and find sources for the statements I make. The content that needed to be completed, though, is complete. Since there are still four days left, to the challenge, I will dedicate the remainder of it to locating these sources and editing and show off whatever is done by the day of reporting. Success!

The last 200 words focused on explaining that the origin of our most complex behaviors is in early childhood, when the basic repertoires are shaped. It is difficult to study that period of life because it requires a myriad longitudinal studies, which are very difficult to conduct. The behavior of children is much more difficult to subject to experimentation than the behavior of adults. Behavioral accounts of child development will rely heavily on interpretation. Without addressing the question of origin, the account will remain ever incomplete.
August 13, 2019, 4:15 PM
Today I started my conclusion by finally articulating my main idea: that the use of children's songs in early education are a practice selected at the community level. I expanded upon this by pointing out that children's songs do not have a narrative or an abstract theme, but instead focus on a relation or basic concept. This is no accident. Or, better thought, a very directional accident of nature. Children's songs train various equivalence classes and a generalized class formation repertoire. It is beneficial for the community for its members to be as best trained as possible on these operant classes, because many other practices that perpetuate the community rely on its individuals being able to form these classes and make temporal discriminations.

Tomorrow, in the concluding paragraph(s), I will return to the idea I opened with: that the question with we should approach these very complex behaviors is not "How do we do it?" but "How did we learn to do it?"
August 12, 2019, 3:09 PM
Today I expanded on the idea of verbal operants having symbolic functions when they become part of an equivalence class, which makes it possible for a person to reconstruct, to an extent, past environments to respond to them in the present. It is that whole performance that we call remembering. It took 264 words to make that point, yet I've summarized here in less than 50. For the purposes of the essay, it was justified.

Next I will begin my conclusion. That songs also establish these equivalence classes, and that because it is beneficial for the community for members to have these repertoires, the many practices that establish them are selected by their perpetuation of the community.
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August 9 to August 18

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