DH is now home, I have chosen to extend commitment over weekend (extended deadline will cover this).
* Lamp needs batteries, todo tonight.
* Plastic bags done.
* Mailing bags done.
* Ice skates done.
* Lap tops done, but I realised I need to go throuch charger cables as well. This can wait though.
* Magazines done.
* Vinyl records posted for free on FB, if no takers, I will drop off at charity. Will wait at least a few days, probably until next weekend,
* Animal shelter sorted - will drop off items tomorrow or Monday.
* Curtains will get a quick wash and then into storage.
* Old linen - to do next
* Ironing will wait, it's too warm. Maybe tonight.
* Sports stuff later. |
I have worked hard and there is progress :-).
Kids will try to sell some toys on local FB, those are posted. I have them in bags, clearly marked. If not sold, they will go to charity beginning next week.
Still ToDo in basement (starred are must-do this week, the other can wait):
* I will post a small lamp on FB later today, it needs to be darker to get a good photo.
* Sort through plastic bags into "can be used for trash" /others.
* Sort through mailing bags, trash the worst as I have to many and some are used and maybe not all should be reused.
* Review ice skates
* Put all old lap-tops into bag for recyling/waste. There should be at least three.
* Check the magazines on the sofa quickly.
* Look through old music records to say goodbye (finally!!)
* Try finding an animal shelter where we can drop off old linen.
* Box up the curtains and put them in storage.
* Go through all old linen from grandparents, decides what stays (box up to storage!) and what goes (in bags to shelter).
* Start ironing.
* Go through bag of sports stuff and post ads.
Clear off the laundry machines.
Try to find someone that can knit to fix the sweater.
Start sorting papers (this will probably wait until DH is home so we can tackle it together).
It seems like _a lot_ but most of them are really quick and does not require a lot of mental energy. But then there is the rest of the stuff on the list to do, from the other rooms. I do need to get some items crossed off in front of the tv today :-). |
Had a tough weekend, lots of negative thinking, so not all done that was planned.
All of the laundry is now clean and dry, but I need to fold a lot. But that is ok.
I have decided about the job, waiting for them to call which should happen beginning of this week.
Kitchen cleaned today.
Trip w/DH discussed enough. No west coast but possibly sthg else.
I have not unpacked all, but almost.
The week is planned as far as needed.
And I have moved a lot of stuff out of the laundry room so progress there. Only now tv-room looks much worse... but it is a necessary step. |
Must do:
Unpack and put stuff away. Sunday.
Take care of all laundry after trip, put all away when clean. Sunday + one more day.
Read and decide about the job suggested. Sunday.
Kitchen surfaces. Sunday.
Plan the week w/the kids. Sunday.
Discuss trip to west coast w/DH. Sunday?
Quick run-through the kitchen cupboards.
Clear out laundry room.
Clear out basement – guest room.
Clear out basement – tv room.
Sort out things to GW and trash.
Get all stuff into the car.
GW drop off.
Trash drop off.
Pull out weed on the big patch.
Get some more stuff done in the garden.
Clear out kids room.
Living room.
Plan trip for next week to meet J.
Plan trip for August w/J.
Optional but desired:
Create Stickk goal for the rest of the year.
Apply to one job.
Start the job search - plan.
Hallway – quick tidy up and declutter.
P-12 including remind parents to pay team fees.
Review finances
Review insurance
Set up goals for sleep, clean teeth, weight and exercise (incl yoga).
Run three times
Work on the insurance claim – separate goal for this, break down to smaller tasks.
KonMari my clothes
Sew more, start with going through all old mending – mend or toss!
Post on MMM – get to 100!
DuoLingo |