Stick to a skin care routine Star this Commitment
Week 6 of 6

ChyanneUlber commits to:
Start a new skin care routine and stick to it in hopes of clearing up acne and keeping my skin healthy.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
July 21, 2019, 3:55 AM
Based on my progress the last few weeks, I do think that I was successful in my goal. I did not completely clear up my skin of course, but it did help quite a bit with the problems that I stated at the beginning of this course. I think I was successful in my skin care this time around because I finally had a plan to go with. Usually, I would think that I needed to make a change and start doing something, but I never planned it out or did anything for it. Not only that, but I also took the time to research products, look at reviews, and look on YouTube to get ideas from other people’s skin care routines. I think YouTube helped a lot because I was able to find people who had skin similar to mine and actually see how their products worked for them instead of going in blindly and hoping that the products were made for skin like mine.
As I mentioned earlier, my skin is not completely clear, but I do not count that as me being unsuccessful. The goal I set is definitely not one that can be completed and forgot about, it is something that I need to keep doing until I come up with a different routine. Even after that, I will have to continue whichever routine I come up with for my future skin. That said, I think the only way that I would have been unsuccessful is if I did not do it at all, which is not the case. I do believe I had some days that were off when I missed the routine, or I rushed it much more than I should have. Regardless, those few days do not matter as much when this is something I will be doing for a lifetime. Similar to a diet, one day of eating healthy will not make you skinny and one day of eating unhealthy will not make you fat.
Moving forward, I am still going to try to take my time with my routine and do it every day. I know my life can get a little bit hectic, a lot more now that school is starting soon, but I do need to take the time for myself. I think when school starts again, I will be making my detailed schedule (as I usually do) and actually put in a time for me to do the routine. I also think I will keep my eyes open for new products here and there to either add to the routine or switch out products, but I do not think that is something I need to do right now since things are working fine.
I am proud with what I have accomplished so far. Not only did I make my skin feel and look better, but I also learned about my skin in ways I did not take the time to before. I also feel much more confident in going out without makeup even though I may have a few small pimples here and there. That is another reason as to why I want to keep going after this class, I enjoy the new confidence and I am still hoping that eventually when I do my makeup, I will not need to use a full coverage foundation at all. All in all, I think I have been successful in my goal and I am excited to see how else my skin can improve.
July 16, 2019, 4:36 AM
As I get towards the end of this commitment, I think I definitely made progress towards my goal. My skin looks a lot better than it did when I first started this journey, even though it is still not one hundred percent perfect; however, I did not expect it to be. That said, although my “official” commitment is almost over, I will keep up with it even after this course is over. I am sure I will make more changes as time goes on depending on my skin’s needs, especially since it usually changes from season to season.
My referees have still been helping as well. It is pretty much the same as it has been the previous weeks. They mostly make sure to ask me if I have been doing it or remind me to go do it. Usually when I try to do a skin care routine, I would fail at it because I would lay down and completely forget about it. Meanwhile, it has been nice having people so close to me cheering me on. Regardless, I still feel like a lot of this has to be my own personal motivation as opposed to encouragement from others. When it comes to my personal goals, I see more progress when I actually want it. Be that as it may, I can see why some people need that push from others.
As I mentioned before, I have been successful thus far and I think that is mostly because I have actually been doing it. I have been trying to find shortcuts to the routine, though. For instance, I combine all the serums I use at once so I can put them on in one step instead of three. I believe it still does the same job and it saves me time, making me more likely to keep the routine up. Although I do think I have been successful and my skin is looking better overall, I do have around one or two pimples around my chin. I think they are mostly due to the stress I currently have with working full time and taking these summer classes. Now that I am doing the best I can for my skin, my pimples are not bothering me as much as they used to since I no longer feel “guilty” about not doing anything.
In the future, I think my biggest obstacle will be myself. I have already tried to make the routine shorter and have missed a day, so I probably will slip up sometimes, especially when Fall semester starts and my workload is completely full. I have already accepted that fact, though. As I said last week, I will not be mad at myself for messing up here and there since life happens. If I must miss days (trying to be realistic), I will try to not miss more than once a week. I also realize that sometimes you have to adjust the goal to meet half way with you, and that is a lot better than giving up all together.
July 6, 2019, 6:59 PM
As of right now, I believe I made more progress during the first week of my new skin care regimen. My skin still feels soft, but I am noticing a few pimples here and there. Definitely not anywhere near what it used to be, so that is a positive note. I feel like if I focus a bit more on the acne medication that comes after the serums, then my acne should start clearing up again. I am also noticing that my skin is looking a bit less red and the discoloration from previous acne battles is slightly improving. Overall, I believe that my routine is working well because I did have a person come up to me and think that I was wearing foundation because it was looking pretty smooth and what not. Honestly, I think I am just being a bit hard on myself because I notice all the imperfections more since I can focus on my face a lot more than others can.
My skin care routine is still the same, except I did take out the Aztec clay mask because I did not feel like it was really improving my skin. It took a lot of time to let it fully dry, and the way my face felt after just did not make it seem worth it. I have also changed my diet, which was another goal of mine. I have been drinking a lot more water and eating better food, so I think some of my progress could be due to that. A bit off topic, but I do work in fast food when I come back home for summer and that makes eating clean much harder especially since I spend most of my time there. That said, I am also very proud of myself for working towards that goal and I am excited to see how my two goals work together and give me even more confidence back.
My referee has been supportive thus far, she makes sure to ask every night before I go to bed if I did the routine. There is definitely motivation there simply by knowing other people are expecting you to do a certain thing and succeed. I think that motivation is even stronger for me since the people are my family and they are constantly here to watch me and are able to tell if I mess up. My sister has also been unofficially supporting me and has even asked me to help her with her own skin care, which did boost my confidence in what I am doing for myself. While the referees are helpful, I think I have been successful in finding the motivation on my own. Since this is something I always wanted to focus more on and I do like the way my skin is changing, it is not hard for me to push myself that extra step anymore.
Unfortunately, I did have a bit of a slip-up this week. I ended up not getting home until three in the morning one night after being out with family and was too exhausted to even think about doing the routine. I did end up washing my face and using the acne medication that night, but I did not do the entire process. I was not really discouraged by that mistake to be honest. I realize it is only human to have a few mistakes and I am happy that I made the effort to at least do a little bit of the routine. I am going to look at it more from the perspective that if I am doing something, then I am already succeeding more than I was.
As I mentioned in my previous progress reports, I feel like I am making progress because I am doing it consistently for the most part. I am still going to try to do the routine everyday and drink more water to help with both of my goals since I heard it does make your skin healthy as well. At this point, I think it is safe to say that all my products are good for my skin and will not be causing my any skin irritation. That said, I feel like the only instance that will keep me from accomplishing my goal is if I stop keeping up with it. Although I cannot tell what my skin will look like when I get older, I am hopeful that my skin will continue to flourish now that I know what it needs to be at its very best.
June 29, 2019, 2:47 AM
I believe I am doing well with my skin care routine thus far. Since last time, I was able to figure out the specifics with what I am using and how I am using the products. My final skin care routine turned out to be only at night time before bed because I realized doing it before starting my day would make my face feel super shiny throughout the rest of the day. My skin care routine now goes like this: African black soap, deep pore exfoliator (every other day), witch hazel toner, use a micro-dermal roller (every other day), eye cream, turmeric oil serum, vitamin c serum, collagen serum, use a rose quartz roller, let face dry a bit, use oxy acne pads, and tea tree oil on acne spots. I also decided to add a lip scrub as a little bonus since I did not do anything for my lips. I also decided to not use the African shea butter at the end because my face already feels moisturized and fresh after all the serums.
So far, I have stuck to the routine every day since first setting my goal. To be completely honest, there were some nights that I stayed up until midnight or later and did not want to do the routine, but I pushed myself to just go on with it. I figured I would only be cheating myself out of the skin I want, and I did not want to give up that easily. I do think there have been some nights that I have been lazy and skipped using the rose quartz roller or washed my face much quicker than usual. I believe I am making progress to my goal because my skin definitely feels softer and I have less acne than what I begun with already. My skin tone is still slightly uneven, but I do not really have anything in my routine to help with that anyways. I will probably look into that once my acne is clears up a bit more.
My referee is my grandma because I am currently with her for the summer, and I figured her being here and actually seeing me do the routine would help encourage me more. I have been able to encourage myself so far, but both my grandma and my sister have been complimenting how much better my skin looks, so that makes me feel good about the progress I have made as well. Personally, I am happy with how well I have been doing. I am proud of myself for not just giving up on the routine when I am tired, which I would do a lot before. I am also proud of myself for learning about all the steps I take in my routine. Previously, I would just get a face wash or use proactive and just call it a day without knowing how it helped my skin. Now, I know what I am putting on my face and how it is supposed to help. I also did not keep track of how my skin reacted to whatever products I was using. Now, I am paying attention to how my skin is looking and feeling. I understand that my skin can only handle so much exfoliating and so much micro-dermal rolling, so now I can tell when my skin actually needs it.
As I have mentioned, I am proud with how well I am doing; however, I still need some room for improvement. I feel like I need to stop being lazy some nights and wash my face properly. If I do not wash properly, then I do not get off all the dead skin cells and my skin cannot absorb the serums like it is supposed to. I also want to try letting my serums dry a bit more before putting on the next, maybe it will allow each one to be absorbed equally. Regardless, I believe my routine is working because I am doing it every night and I am also using products that my skin can handle.
All in all, the results from week one have been amazing and I cannot wait to see how else my skin improves. Hopefully, by the end of this week there will be no more actual acne bumps and I will only have to focus on the pigmentation.
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July 26 to August 2
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