Write one blog post per month Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

automaticsync commits to:
Write one blog post per month for the CaptionSync Blog. Have blog ready for review within the 1st two weeks of the month, and published within the last two weeks of the month.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
June 6, 2019, 7:55 PM
Haven't been able to publish any blog posts yet. However, I wrote another blog post today so we have a backlog of written posts for when we get the issue fixed.The blog post is on Lecture Capture Workflow, using a Panopto example. It's uploaded in the Zoho drive in the Blogs > Blog Posts Drafts folder. Art is making progress on fixing the Wordpress issue. The issue is related to StagLang not being defined; there is a problem with the code stag app or the plug, and we might have to hard code the language to English to fix it.
May 30, 2019, 4:30 PM
Finished writing another blog post this week: Creating an EEAAP for online video, in the Zoho drive. Still unable to post blogs due to the text editor issue. However, Art and I are working on this. Seems to be an issue related to the theme being incompatible with the current version of Wordpress. We are going to contact the theme developers about this.
May 23, 2019, 8:02 PM
I just saw your comment after updating my commitment journal, Art. I didn't get notification of this comment through email, but I think it would be a useful notification (I'll find a way to activate this notification). To update the previous comment: We found an issue with a plug-in called Stagtools. The most recent version of this plug-in was affecting the text editor, and we found that re-installing the old version fixed the issue in the sandbox. However, we'll still need to update the current version of Wordpress to 4.9 to avoid further issues. This will need to be done during off-hours to ensure that the website doesn't slow down. The next step is to download the .zip of that version and install it manually.
May 23, 2019, 7:54 PM
Still having issues w/ the Wordpress text editor. I've been working with Art to address this issue, but we have to install the update on the sandbox to ensure that the current website is not affected. However, I have finished writing the blog posts; the issue is not being able to publish them.
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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
May 30 to June 6
Not Successful
Not Successful
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May 23 to May 30
Not Successful
Not Successful
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May 16 to May 23
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Not Successful
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May 9 to May 16
Not Successful
Not Successful
Not required
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