Second week of April - get in sync!... Star this Commitment

LinneaH commits to:
Get moving - hack away on the April list. Also some very urgent stuff
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
April 16, 2019, 9:06 PM
It has been tough.Horrible weather, DH is sad, visitors... Not much done

1. No, not done: Urgent: Apply for the really cool job.
2. No, did not happen (horrible weather so ok to miss): Walk 70 000 steps during the week.
3. I did all of DH’s, none of mine: Iron everything.
4. No: Dye and cut my hair.
5. Only a bit: Urgent: Plan Easter.
6. Yes, done (not perfect though): Clean the house so we can have guests during the weekend.
7. Not yet, but did some: Get current on soccer team stuff
8. Not completed but halfway: Unpack and sort all the stuff from work – stay or go?
9. No: Clean the kitchen: go through fridge and possibly cupboards yet, clean off the workbenches.
10. Done (long list): Plan the rest of April.
11. Yes: Sleep and nap. No quantification.
12. Not completed: Go through both email accounts.
13. No: Surveys – empty out.
14. Some done, incl. getting a computer and a new phone so it’s a yes: Continue wrapping up work: spend 2 hrs/6 pomodoros in total deleting files, mails and photos, finding out about photos.
15.Went really well as former boss didn’t show up. Had a nice time: Go to the dreaded work lunch and smile a lot.
16. Yes, have ordered and paid (they were horribly expensive but needed to do it): Decide on glasses.
17. Yes, done. Also ordered covers so now just to set up the final parts: Look at phones – find out more about what I should have.
18. No, unfortunately not: Plant seeds.
19. Not once: Yoga every weekday.
20. Yes, and got them lowered: Contact bank re interest rates.
21. No, not much progress: Plan DS1 birthday and birthday party., incl wish list.
April 12, 2019, 8:50 AM
20. Update: Done, got lowered but not as much as I hoped for. But at least something.
April 12, 2019, 8:49 AM
Mid week-update

1. I have started the application but got stuck - this is something I need to have inspiration for to be able to complete. I've been thinking about this and not sure I will apply so this has changed to "Apply or make the active decision not to".
2. I will probably not walk 70 000 steps during the week, it has been freezing and snowing. I will be kind w/myself on this one.
3. I have ironed shirts for DH so far, but still tons to clothes to left.
4. This I reallly want to do - hope during lunch today: Dye and cut my hair.
5. Not really done yet, need to set something up w/dad. Urgent: Plan Easter.
6. Working on this, some progress: Clean the house. Mum is coming Sunday.
7. Almost but not yet: Get current on soccer team stuff.
8. No progress: Unpack and sort all the stuff from work. This should be quick once I start it.
9. Not completed: Clean the kitchen. Need to do the fridge, will not do cupboards this week.
10. Nothing yet: Plan the rest of April.
11. Yes, some napping :-)
12. Some done: Go through both email accounts.
13. No: Surveys – empty out.
14. Yes, getting there: Bought a private computer, hope to buy phone today. Plan to hand in work computer & phone week after Easter. Need to find out about photos.
15. This is over and went really well: Go to the dreaded work lunch and smile a lot.
16. Almost, will decide today: Decide on glasses.
17. Decided on the phone, plan to get it today
18. Nothing, unsure why: Plant seeds. It ahs been so awfully cold so this is not fun.
19. No: Yoga every weekday.
20. No, should do today: Contact bank re interest rates.
21. We have started the wish list, nothing more: Plan DS1 birthday and birthday party, incl wish list.
April 9, 2019, 3:45 PM
A few comments so far (mid Tuesday):
2. No walking - it is freezing and snowing. I do not appreciate
14. Went through som more email from work. Feeling pretty ok but need to spend an hour more before the Friday meetings. I also need to find out about photos and get a phone.
16. Will look at glasses tomorrow and decide on two-three pairs to take home and try, then decide.
17. I now know that I have to buy a phone, I know where to go and I which set up I need. Just need to go there and chose a phone. Hopefully tonmorrow.
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April 8 to April 15
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