Stop Wasting Money Star this Commitment
Week 50 of 50

Alison2310 commits to:
1) Being in credit in my Current Account at the end of each month and not robbing other accounts to achieve this.
2) Not spending money on wasteful things or other people that make me feel remorseful or stupid afterwards.
3) Making sure I get back what I'm owed by people or work
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
January 2, 2020, 3:20 PM
It's a new year and my list of intentions, to achieve, is longer than it's ever been. However, one that I almost forgot to add in was to stop wasting money. Why did I forget it? Probably because I feel that I'm doing well with my on-going commitment that it doesn't bother me any more. How wrong that way of thinking is! I can't sit back and rest on my past success; I must continue to commit to it because, if I don't there is a massive chance that I will be back to my old ways in a flash (just like I've put on loads of weight again since reaching my Weight Watchers goal 2 years ago - I'm back where I started!).

So I'm up to date and ready to report in. Christmas was expensive but I didn't have to dip into my other savings accounts at all - in fact I ended up being £14 in credit - amazingly! I have a big Credit Card Bill to pay, later this month, but I'm ready for it and it's budgeted in. I have no wasted spend on the go but I still haven't received payment from the Red Lion for the work I did for them last month. I've sent them a reminder today.

So here is the current score:
1) Current Acc in Credit with no Stealing from other Accs: A, 2) No Wasteful Spend: A, 3) People Owing me Money: C
Therefore, I give myself the following Grade: B+
December 26, 2019, 1:21 PM
It’s Christmas as, so far, I’m happy to report that my current account is in credit, I’ve had a pay rise (well, more of a handy contribution to household utilities now that I’m working from home), my parents have payment me for the presents I bought on their behalf and, apart from an outstanding amount from the Red Lion, for posters and logo, no-one owes me anything. I even had a refund on a subscription for Envanto that I didn’t want.

So here are my scores:
1) Current Acc in Credit: A, 2) No Wasteful Spend: A, 3) People Owing Me Money: B. Therefore, I give myself the following Grade: B+
December 19, 2019, 9:31 AM
Yesterday I posted that I was feeling really out of control with my finances again but, today, looking at it all with fresh eyes, I can see that, I AM in control because I can see there have been issues that need to be addressed and they are now either sorted or in the process of being sorted.

Firstly, I discovered I'd paid for our Monday tennis on my Credit Card instead of our of the joint 'Fun and Food' account - well, that was just lack of attention but I transferred that back today (although I transferred it to my Current acc DOH! but I'll move that across). I am also in the process of arranging a refund (fingers crossed) for a bogus subscription that I didn't intend to get caught up in - wow many times have I done this! - so the company in question is on the case with that (threatening them with PayPal seems to have stirred them into action) and I've manually cancelled the PayPal payment anyway. Katie at The Red Lion still hasn't paid me for their posters and logo. I need to give them a bit longer - and it's not a huge amount - and Mum and Dad owe me for presents for Karen and Peter but they're on a cruise so I'll get that when they return.'s Christmas and I've gone a bit mad on presents; but compared to last year, I've actually spent slightly less on gifts and Terry has given me a contribution.

The best news is that I'm now receiving a contribution from Olivetti as I'm working from home now. That will make a considerable difference, as well as that, I'm making a saving on fuel, so, all in all, I am in a good position. The contribution is towards additional utilities costs and broadband so I will put most of that into the House fund, but, again, that's saving money - so all good then.

Here are this week's scores:
1) Current Acc in Credit: A+, 2) No Wasteful Spend: D, 3) People Owing me Money: C. Therefore, I give myself the following Grade: C+
December 18, 2019, 9:50 AM
Christmas is a nightmare for trying to keep a lid on my finances - I feel like it's all running away from me. There have even been a couple of nasty surprises (not big amounts) because I've been focusing too much on presents so I'm hoping to extricate myself from these. I need to pay greater attention to things like "subscriptions" - they have a nasty habit of turning up when I least expect them. I need to turn things round by tomorrow of I fear a fail coming on.
  • Feb 1, 2019
  • Sep 26, 2019
Displaying 1-4 of 50 results.
December 26 to January 2
December 19 to December 26
December 12 to December 19
December 5 to December 12
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Anti-charity (Political: The Fabian Society (Labour))
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Total at stake: $250.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $20.00
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