Write 5 Upwork Proposals Star this Commitment

rahulanand commits to:
Writing 5 Upwork Proposals by Sunday evening 11 PM IST
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
November 25, 2018, 12:20 PM
Sunday Update:
This is DONE. I finally completed 5 proposals -- YAAAY! Not to mention that the last 3 had unique samples to go with it as well :)
November 24, 2018, 9:07 PM
Saturday Update:
I have submitted 2 proposals, wrapped up the third and need to submit it after I'm done with the sample. I have also figured out the next 2 jobs that I would apply for.
I think I should be able to finish it off by the deadline :)
November 23, 2018, 7:46 AM
Heyo! Thanks for writing! This is SO helpful :)

The first thing which I've realized after such a long time is that writing a proposal will not be a very long-term habit - because that would mean that I need to drum up clients all the time which implies that I don't have a lot of repeat business going on. That's why I've stopped looking at it from a habit perspective. It will, however, be a (near) daily task for the next couple of months I think.

Since we're talking consistent habit for years to come, what is the ridiculously simple success you can achieve each day?
Each day, I can write one line of a proposal. So, for example, if on day one, I have opened it using the affirmation approach - on day two, I can write the next line which would demonstrate authority.

In what increments can you work your way up from there?
I think the next increment would be to write an entire section - so, one section is opening, next is authority gap, next is authority demonstration and finally the call to action. For the ones where I have to write the sample, I think I can break it down based on what kind of sample it is - the first in these for me is to break down the different kind of samples I'd need to write - I'll put this up as a task for the next week.

How can you space those increments? E.g. weekly or bimonthly?
I think I can move from one sentence to one section in 2 weeks from now.

What is an appropriate goal (e.g. number of proposals per day)?
1 proposal per day is good - I can do 2-3 if the client's vertical and business challenge are something I have already tackled. I can do 1 in 2 days if I have to write a new sample for the application.

What does a typical day look like when you're writing that many proposals every day?
I don't have anything else going on when I am doing this. The day is very focused and I just keep writing in the zone. I take breaks when I find it hard and go for a walk in the neighborhood or for a cup of tea - to recharge. Once I get back, I get down to the same task. When I am doing this, I am NOT strategizing and planning or even reading.

Thanks again for asking these questions. Really helped me a lot!! :)
P.S: I am back on track - wrapping up the first proposal and I will have 5 done by the end of Sunday for sure.

November 21, 2018, 6:07 PM
Since we're talking consistent habit for years to come, what is the ridiculously simple success you can achieve each day?

In what increments can you work your way up from there?

How can you space those increments? E.g. weekly or bimonthly?

What is an appropriate goal (e.g. number of proposals per day)?

What does a typical day look like when you're writing that many proposals every day?
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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
November 19 to November 26
Recipient of Stakes
Money to a friend ($50.00 to safibta per failed reporting period)
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Total at stake: $50.00
Stakes per period: $50.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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