Also - get rid of the car seats! |
So only thing left over from first list is:
Iron _everything_ - no progress at all there
I am especially happy about the playroom, it wasn't to much work and it was really good to have for the kids party.
Only three days left of November. DH away from tonight until Friday night.
Goals during these days:
* Iron all my clothes, kids clothes and some of DHs. Also all kitchen towels that need ironing .
* Give Christmas table cloths a short wash and then iron.
* Make a December plan
* Make a Christmas calendar for the kids
* Clean up laundry room
On the list from Nov 12th
Goals to achieve:
Done: Decide on whether to send flowers to mum on birthday and then do it if decided
Done: Make sure DS2 has a nice birthday
Done: Make sure DS2 has a nice party w/friends
Done: Sort out the den
Absolutely not done: Iron _everything_ (not needing to have empty all the time but one time, preferrably before relatives arrive on the 17th)
Done: Make the guest room nice before the 17th
Done: After guest have been visiting, createa a plan to evacuate guest room, move beds into extra room and turn guest room into play room. |
This month will be cut up by relatives visiting weekend 17th-18th and then birthday party on the 23rd. Before 17th, I want to get certain parts in order to be able to host guests overnight. After that, but before 23rd, I want to create a playroom downstairs and move the goddamn beds out of that area and into the extra room/storage).
After the 23rd, well, I don't know yet, I assume start planning Christmas. Decide whether I create a gifts calendar at least. |