custom program for Month of March Star this Commitment
Week 3 of 3

dark angel commits to:
my specialized custom program until 31 March ... on that day I do whatever the fuck I want ... celebrate etc.
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My Commitment Journal
dark angel
March 31, 2018, 9:49 AM
a similar program for the entire month of aprill ....
dark angel
March 11, 2018, 9:34 PM
Monday : half an hour dance in the morning ... folowed by a normal shower ... go in Tudor and buy some internet cable later from Artcore .... they close at 6 pm ... so reach Tudor until then ... 10 meters should be enough ... I hope.... maybe a new keyboard too but only if you have enough money left after buying internet cable ... min 5 approaches when you go in Tudor ...
dark angel
March 9, 2018, 10:11 PM
Aditional info : no free days at all ... poker is 3 hours everyday no matter what .. the only free day will be 31 March..... if you get sick you continue .. if life throws shit at you and you feel very sad/depressed etc we ignore the negativity and continue ... even if at the end of the month I get no results from approaches/dancing and poker it's still a succes the fact that I did my habbits .... that's succesful enough to celebrate.
dark angel
March 9, 2018, 10:09 PM
1.)The beggining of the day : Minim 8 ore somn - trezirea 9 dimineata sau mai devreme -spalat dinti -exercitii respiratie- cold shower (fara intrari pe net sa verific nu stiu ce chestie ... nu ai voie. Daca iti e rau sari doar peste cold shower. Daca iti e foame .. iei naturistele. 3 mese principale pe zi obligatoriu. Restul poti manca cat vrei – lapte si alte proteine ... stai linistit ca nu te ingrasi.Daca nu e plecat inca colegul ... ma duc la baie oricum si fac dus – nu dureaza asa mult.
Program de mancare ideal in zilele fara dans sau complicatii :
12:00 – 12:30 ... 16:30– 17:00 ... 21:00 – 21 :30 ... poti sa bagi gustari intre mese cate vrei. Daca iti vine foamea inainte ... apuca-te si mananca ... si la 10 dimineata daca vine ... nu mori ... nu te ingrasi ... baga cate mese pe zi vrei tu.

2.)DANS: Saptaman 19 – 25 nu mai tre sa fac dans... e complet optional. Saptaman 26- 4 martie – minim o juma de ora in zilele fara dans .... si optional in zilele de dans si cele 2 de spectacol.
Saptamana 5 – 11 complet optional dansul in fiecare zi ... ramane obligatoriu doar class-urile.
In restul saptamanilor imediat dupa incepi minim o ora de dans .. daca ti se face foame rau in timp ce dansezi ... mananci un fruct sau un morcov sau ceva mai simplu ... bei un pahar cu lapte etc.... cat sa termini ora aia minima. Deschizi netul dupa aia ... pana nu termini dansul nu deschizi internetul.Chestie noua : poti dansa normal free style in jumatatea aia de ora pe melodii uitate care iti plac tare ... nu e neaparat sa faci intotdeauna coregrafii .. se pune oricum. Pana la urma e important sa te distrezi in jumatatea aia de ora. Mers la dans marti si sambata obligatoriu in afara de situatie cand e alex light marti sau nu mi se pare interesanta melodia daca e postata pe net. IF YOU DONT LIKE that you dont progress ... dance anyway that minimum of 1 hour .... that is no excuse for not doing it ... do freestyle .. try to have fun. The same applies for seduction and everything else... the fact that your progress is SLOW AND UNSEXY OR NOT AT ALL ... is not an EXCUSE for not working towards your dream ... keep doing it infinitely.
Remember : dans with eyes closed when you dont like what you see in the mirror ... or for better concentration.
- 6 martie : baga dans la toate grupele din fata la oglinda ... stai acolo in pozitie la coregrafia lui Igi sau cine o s-o faca ... stay strong ... stay foolish. - this is the next step ... remember we take everything one step at a time ... that's how you progress – in seduction/in dance / in everything.

3.) POKER :Mananci - poker 3 h minim daily. Daca urmaresti un serial poti termina cele 10 minute ramase. Daca e un film te opresti imediat si incepi pokerul ... nu te lungesti pana la capat. Daca esti super curios dupa ce se termina episodul sau filmul sa cauti chestii pe net .... nu faci asta. Indiferent de stare sau emotie ... incepi sa joci poker immediately no matter what. Pot sa incep sa joc poker si cu stomacul gol daca nu ti-a venit foamea inca pentru ca trebuie sa ma invat sa ma opresc no matter what in unele situatii ... chiar daca imi merge bine... sitting out si te duci si rezolvi problema. VERY IMPORTANT : daca dupa 1.5h minim ma simt plictisit/obosit/tiltat / informetat / merge prost – ma opresc imediat... FARA SCUZE ... chiar si daca sunt 5 maniaci la 5 mese.
Daca ma apuc mai incolo de poker tot asa dupa minim 1.5h iar ma opresc daca e nasol.
Recuperari optionale : 4.5h .
When you play poker ... dont check your email or do anything else ... you play poker only.
New rule from Nathan : quit a session early when there are no regulars.

4.) Somn: Culcarea la ora 00:00 cel mai tarziu ... daca iti vine foamea bei repede lapte ... daca te uiti la ceva te opresti imediat.... chiar si daca e big bang dick. Poti sa bei la 11:30 un pahar de lapte pentru siguranta si ai rezolvat problema.

5.) Calistenicele : Daca e luni sau vineri... calistenice la amiaza dupa ce ai mancat odata la 2-3 ore dupa – da bagi pull ups nivelul 2 la bara aia orizontala de jos unde trec masini non stop ... ignore what other idiots cock suckers think or say. Miercuri fac curat saptamana asta ... doar dat cu aspiratorul si mopul minim. Restul e optional. Tot miercuri o sa am si ganoderma. Curatul se face dupa ce am rezolvat toate celelalte.

6.) Masturbation : on March 31 only at the end ... unless I get laid until then ... I am now going on 3 years without sex at all and counting lol ... it is a sad thing probably but I choose to focus on positive.

7.) Abordarile : VERY IMPORTANT : ALAN says there are 2 situations where you have failed an approach : you just dont approach at all because of fear ... or you engage in bullshit small talk ... as long as you were mode one and you were CONFIDENT while delivering your verbal speech ... then you did nothing wrong ... even if she rejects you ... so go get it tiger ... approach non stop. DON't freeze and DON't BEAT YOURSELF up for being rejected.
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