February plans and goals Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

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My Commitment Journal
February 22, 2018, 10:06 AM
So six days left. What is missing for an end of the month success?
Bedtime and meal planning for the last few days. (Visitors during weekend and then until Wed).
Stretch at least three times, 12 minutes.
Off candy and trying really hard with the weight.
Review the monthly plan a bit.
Make sure we keep the car seat date.
Girls and trip!!
Start house list and plan next KonMari step
February 22, 2018, 9:56 AM
Not really much progress
February 22, 2018, 9:55 AM
 Consistency – the foundation:
Sort of - better than ever: Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
Sort of: Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH.
No not at all: Stretch habit – every three days – 9 occurrences. At least 12 minutes.
No not at all: Screen-free Wednesdays
Yes, had a small slip but ok: Stay off candy. Eat cake for birthday.
Yes done already: Swim 5th & 7th. Possibly also 6th.
Tough... not on the way there yet:  Weight of 67.4 kgs or less end of month.
Not really:  Print & use the BuJo-list.
Yes, but will probably not use it:  Look into BuJo’s more.
No not really:  Print and use personal monthly plan.
Yes, decided to go Friday w.9  Book a date with DH to test car-seats in car (week 9?).
Not yet:  Contact the girls and plan the trip. Arrange payment and try discount.
Nothing:  Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Book two 30 min for this.
Nothing:  Steps 1-3 with the five and ten year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
Sort of:  Continue in the basement & with KonMari. Do the remaining in clothes category. Plan next category. At least one trip to charity drop-off.
February 15, 2018, 2:14 PM
No, not a good week but DH has been away so tough
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February 22 to March 1
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