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JoaoBorges commits to:
- *Read - 2 CS arcticles per day:* 3/5
- *Start working at 9am:* 0/4 - *Daily Morning Meditation:* 0/6 - *TCC – Customer Success:* 0/6 - *Networking - (Meeting or WhatsApp Conversation):* 1/2 - *Work Hard,Play f*cking Hard!*: 1. Play CS:GO: 0/1 2. Party: 0/1 - *4 Cups of water per day:* 2/5 _Mín_: 25 *Total*: 6/30
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My Commitment Journal
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
November 28 to December 3
- Committed user success report
- Read - 2 CS arcticles per day: 5/5
- Start working at 9am: 1/4
- Daily Morning Meditation: 2/6
- TCC – Customer Success: 9/6
- Networking - (Meeting or WhatsApp Conversation): 3/2
- Work Hard,Play f*cking Hard!:
1. Play CS:GO: 1/1
2. Party: 0/1
- 4 Cups of water per day: 5/5
Mín: 25
Total: 26/30