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Week 10 of 10

dark angel commits to:
playing a min of 6h of poker per day + min 5 approaches in days where I have to go out for dances or anything else. If I fail I will give 50 ron to poor people. Also I have to do calistenics minimum 2 days per week and breath exercises.
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My Commitment Journal
dark angel
December 3, 2017, 9:12 AM
on the dance part it was a succes ... I danced all week everyday and everytime I felt like not doing it I said fuck it and still did it. On the approaches part : I still did nothing . The sleeping was a disaster I never got to sleep at 00:00 because everytime everyday something intervened : either was hungry ... or not sleepy ... or I felt bloated / sick /// etc . I have to do it again .... so far in 10 weeks I formed no habbits at alll ... zero habbits ... completely zero .... so yeah start again ... also I woke up with a sore throat 6 days out of 7 ... no ideea why.

Order : sleep .... eat ... dance ... wim hof very short 5 minutes max ... still week 6 (do not move to week 7 - it's too much).... convict ... min 5 approaches if i have to go outside.
dark angel
November 26, 2017, 9:24 PM
Danced everyday except Monday ... had no time for poker so thats the only failure ... we eliminated completely for now because the show takes too much time .... still did the eating sleeping wim hof and convict ...
This week in order of importance : sleep minimum 8 hours ... eat well.... dancing ... wim hof .... convict ... min 5 approaches if I have to go outside .... if I don't do this I will enter the show with the same fear of not talking to the girls from my dance class about my sexual desires ... I will feel like shit again when christmass comes so you have to do it .... its only a couple of girls .... just DO IT ..

And it's ridiculous because I had that amazing moment this week where the girls from Rudolf's party were pulling down my pants and saw my dick and even tough they tought it was little and made fun of me it was still a great experience because I am convinced they were horny and like Georgiana said : in your place I would have fucked Teo with force ... pin her down and fuck her right there in front of everyone .... her words .... if a girl said that then that means I should have done it.
dark angel
November 20, 2017, 10:54 AM
next week we start hardcore : the repetitions for the show started so I will have to dance a lot ... hopefully everyday a minimum of 1.5 hours.

Order of importance : sleep ... eat ... wim hof .... convict ... dancing ... minimum one hour poker per day .
If I feel tired and I can't handle or my muscles do not resist I can skip dancing but let's hope it doesn't come to that .

New rule : form the habbit of doing things immediately : no more procrastination ... just do it. No feeling ... no emotions .... I now know that you want to do those things easier because of the clasical system of your unconcious : pleasure - pain ... if it's pleasure you want to repet and you have will power anyway ... if it's pain you want to avoid it .... you have to break this ... do it anyway even if it's pain .

You want to play dota because the pros far outweights the cons ( more pleasure than pain) ... similar with masturbation and other entertainment ... you don't want to approach girls because so far the pain is bigger than the pleasure ... same with dancing and poker and Wim hof and convict ... basically every important thing.... so you have to keep doing it ... there is no other way other than give up and your life is over.
dark angel
November 13, 2017, 10:47 AM
forgot to add the order of importance when multiple things intervene : sleep ... eat ... wim hof ... convict ... dancing (dar uneori trebuie sa ma duc la dans oricum daca e marti sau repetitie pentru un spectacol sau ceva important urgent) .
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Displaying 1-4 of 10 results.
November 26 to December 3
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Not Successful
November 19 to November 26
November 12 to November 19
November 5 to November 12
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