online poker play non stop Star this Commitment
Week 10 of 10

dark angel commits to:
you know what you have to do .... first I get the sleep hours properly then the poker play.
Also don't forget : on last day of June I get a free day and from Saturday 1st July I start the program until the next free Sunday - 9 July . And now I can also add dancing as a sport.
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My Commitment Journal
dark angel
September 3, 2017, 3:18 PM
we start again ... this one is gone .... too much to write .... we do a new program with a similar goal
dark angel
August 24, 2017, 11:04 AM
I kept dancing all the way to the maximum .. never missed a class and approached some girls from dance class but still no cold approaches at all ... and I stopped playing poker ... I have to start again .

The best part is finding out from a 16 year old girl that she had 2 threesomes in her life ... and she looks and acts like a virgin ... that was mind blowing.
dark angel
July 31, 2017, 8:14 AM
I start again today .... new month new shit ... I will focus on what I can do only .... if I focus on the progress I get disapointed so my focus will be on factors that I can control only ... like doing exactly what I proposed to do.
dark angel
July 21, 2017, 9:27 AM
so the bitches weren't there today at the dance class ... .aparently they were absent .... but I still approached 2 girls at the dance class and told them I want to hook up with them (I finally did it.... it happened) ... I didn't know what to do next tough ... they didn't had a negative reaction .... just smiled and changed the subject or smile and don't say anything .... in time I will advance for now I am very happy that I finally did it .... I played only 3 hours of poker yesterday because the server was down for 2 hours ... they had to restart the server aparently and they didn't announced on time. Shit happens. Still It was a great day overall and I felt happy.
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Displaying 1-4 of 10 results.
August 27 to September 3
Not Successful
Not Successful
August 20 to August 27
Not Successful
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August 13 to August 20
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August 6 to August 13
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