customized program for poker play Star this Commitment
Week 10 of 10

dark angel commits to:
playing daily online poker at least 6 hours per day no matter what problems appear in my life ... including getting sick ... there are no exception ( sacrifice sleep if you have too and anything else to do the minimum hours ) ... one day per week (sunday) will be free to do whatever you want with a minimum of 2 hours of poker that day and the rest games porn or whatever you want to do. Usual sleep hour includes 00:00 AM and waking up at 8 -9 ... Minimum 3 days of special sport program
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My Commitment Journal
dark angel
March 9, 2017, 10:37 AM
ok today we start again ... and I will probably extend this program until easter.
dark angel
February 24, 2017, 7:47 AM
total failure entire month ... will start again
dark angel
February 6, 2017, 12:18 PM
so saturday was free day .... cause my roomate was out working so I took the free day saturday .
Sunday : I played 2 hours and I realized that I have to be well rested in order to play properly ... there are so many changes and so many mistakes if you play when you are not well rested. So I will try to fix my program of sleep no matter starting from this week.
dark angel
February 4, 2017, 6:00 AM
the beggining of 3 Feb was extremely hard ... got the sick feelings again ... I took alot of natural products to speed up the recovery process and started playing my first 2 hours of poker while feeling like shit ... still I did it in the end and I got some more sleep later .... played my last 3 hours when I was so refreshed and felt so good ... it was an amazing difference between playing poker tired and playing poker completely fresh ... you might not notice the difference at first but eventually it's crystal clear ... I will always try to play poker when I slept all my needed hours ... the difference will be reflected in the winrate.

In the end the day started bad but ended as a good day. Soon I will have to start revising hands everyday from HEM ... the marked ones have to be revisited sooner or later no matter what.
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Displaying 1-4 of 10 results.
March 26 to April 2
Not Successful
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March 19 to March 26
Not Successful
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March 12 to March 19
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March 5 to March 12
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