A lot done but not all. The final week was ruined for illness and there has been slacky evenings...
So a no for this month, then I will go and immediately create the Dec goal. |
Done: birthday parties (postponed one due to illness so not had yet but on the way)
Done: Christmas
Not done: apples
DONE!: Old wall clock
Done enough: Paintings
Done enough: food cost - this is bad
Done: water cost
Consistency – the foundation:
WIP: Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
WIP: Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH. Also weekend planning.
No: Stretch habit – every three days – plan calendar. At least 12 minutes.
WIP: Start flossing again – at least twice a week – plan calendar
No: Screen-free Wednesdays – discuss with DH
Done enough: Stay off dairy, wheat and egg (unless travelling, try to be modest then)
No: Go to gym or outdoors run/powerwalk four times – plan in calendar.
No, 62.7.0 this morning...Weight of less than 62 kg end of month. Start 62.1 but rough month ahead.
Hell yeah! Continue in the basement, take out more stuff from the storage room.
WIP: Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Where to keep? Need to start a bit myself.
No: Discuss the financials and targets for the rest of the year with DH. Discuss overall investment strategy.
No: Steps 1-3 with the five and ten-year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
Done enough: Create December goal before end of November . |
Work in progress: birthday parties
Started: Christmas
Work in progress: apples
Work in progress: Old wall clock
Work in progress: Paintings
Work in progress: food cost - this is bad
Done: water cost
Consistency – the foundation:
WIP: Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
WIP: Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH. Also weekend planning.
No: Stretch habit – every three days – plan calendar. At least 12 minutes.
WIP: Start flossing again – at least twice a week – plan calendar
No: Screen-free Wednesdays – discuss with DH
No: Stay off dairy, wheat and egg (unless travelling, try to be modest then)
No: Go to gym or outdoors run/powerwalk four times – plan in calendar.
No, 63.0 this morning...Weight of less than 62 kg end of month. Start 62.1 but rough month ahead.
Hell yeah! Continue in the basement, take out more stuff from the storage room.
WIP: Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Where to keep? Need to start a bit myself.
No: Discuss the financials and targets for the rest of the year with DH. Discuss overall investment strategy.
No: Steps 1-3 with the five and ten-year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
WIP: Create December goal before end of November .
This commitment started earlier than Nov 22nd but I have not set the goal at Stickk until now.
Plan the birthday parties and send out invitations
Plan Christmas
Take care of apples
Old wall clock – does it work? Signatures?
Get a grip on food cost
Sort out water cost
Consistency – the foundation:
Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH. Also weekend planning.
Stretch habit – every three days – plan calendar. At least 12 minutes.
Start flossing again – at least twice a week – plan calendar
Screen-free Wednesdays – discuss with DH
Stay off dairy, wheat and egg (unless travelling, try to be modest then)
Go to gym or outdoors run/powerwalk four times – plan in calendar.
Weight of less than 62 kg end of month. Start 62.1 but rough month ahead.
Continue in the basement, take out more stuff from the storage room.
Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Where to keep? Need to start a bit myself.
Discuss the financials and targets for the rest of the year with DH. Discuss overall investment strategy.
Steps 1-3 with the five and ten-year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
Create December goal before end of November .