Really, what have I been doing in May? Surfing the net and reading unnecessary stuff I think. This has to change. I will today set up the June goal and I need to plan June more in detail, to schedule certain items.
• Yes – a lot has been done, selling furniture and bike was the best. Not final but partly do to builders. Will finalize in June. Sun room – take out as much as possible, fix the fire place, clean and decorate. This is partly depending on the bath room and the finalization of the garage storage. Will do as much as possible.
• Consistency – the foundation:
o Yes I think, need to track better. Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
o No, need to get DH to cooperate. Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH. Also weekend planning.
o No Stretch habit – every three days. At least 12 minutes.
o No Start flossing again
o No Screen-free Wednesdays
o Sort of/good enough. Stay off dairy and egg
o Not organized but it is a yes. Go to gym or outdoors run/powerwalk four times.
• Yes, but only by a stomach bug… Weight of 66.0 kgs or less end of month. Starting at 66.6 (May 7th).
• Not really. Continue in the basement, take out more stuff from the storage room. At least one trip to the dump and one to charity drop-off.
• Yes, but not perfect, and no amounts. Selling: ads for furniture (chest, DH cabinet, my cabinet), baby clothes, coffee pot, stereo, DH bike. Continue with GV. Think about: what is the stuff amount and money amount goal for the whole year?
• No, cannot work w/DH at the mo.Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Where to keep?
• No. See above. Discuss the financials and targets for the rest of the year with DH. Discuss overall investment strategy.
• No. Need to try harder. Plan dinner with MF.
• No, have not worked with this. Steps 1-3 with the five and ten year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
So happy - the patio furniture is gone AND we got some money. Also DH old bike - picked up yesterday. Suddenly there is more space in the sun room. Next step is to remove the boxes in there - to trash, we will not use them.
In the garage: I want to unpack DH boxes of old photos - he needs to start dealing with them. Or with something else, but something - anything at least. |
The person interested in the crappy patio furniture was busy during weekend. Has said she will come tonight. I hope that will happen as the furniture is really in the way for my plans. It's very difficult to do anything before it is out of the way.
Also, I need to find out if the builders are all done with the garage or if they need to do more stuff in there. When they are done, I will take down the snow blower, the old bike and tons of kids stuff and other random items to the garage and it will be much easier to continue with the sun room, which is really my big house thing for the month.
Tonight I also want to place some more ads - I really have a need to get stuff out of our house. Longing to have the builders out (possibly two weeks left now?) so we really can decorate but to be able to do that, we also need to get rid of more stuff. |