
LinneaH commits to:
Work towards my April goal (list in comment). It is a lot so I will need to prioritize and focus.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
May 2, 2016, 8:11 PM
Not a good month, goal not accomplished. Builders still in the house is the main reason. Drives me (us) absolutely crazy. Progess but still a lot to do. But we are starting to see the end and then it will be so much easier to get rid of more stuff, funish and clean the house. Looking forward to that.
May goal need to be more lenient.
May 2, 2016, 8:08 PM
This is the April outcomet:
• DONE, but should have been earlier: Do the tax-return as early as possible and finalize MIL tax return
• NOT GOOD ENOUGH: Consistency – the foundation:
o OK: Go to bed on time 3/5 + no 4 should be close and no 5 ok
o NOT GOOD ENOUGH: Consistent meal planning and Sunday review with DH. Also weekend planning.
o NO: Stretch habit – every three days. At least 12 minutes.
o NO: Start flossing again
o NO: Screen-free Wednesdays
o GOOD ENOUGH: Stay off dairy and egg
o BOUGHT SHOES. SOME MORE WALKING BUT NOT ENOUGH. Go to gym or outdoors run/powerwalk four times. Also buy new shoes.
• 67 – NOT ENOUGH Weight of 66.4 kgs or less end of month.
• OK: Continue in the basement, take out more stuff from the storage room (ask dad about the huge chest, ask sis about all of it, then ads). At least one trip to the dump and one to charity drop-off.
• SOME BUT NOT ALL DONE: Selling: ads for furniture (chest, DH cabinet, my cabinet), baby clothes, vase, coffee pot, stereo, DH bike, baby pool. Continue with GV. Think about: what is the stuff amount and money amount goal for the whole year?
• NO: Continue and formalize the master list of things to be done in the new house together w/DH. Where to keep?
• PROGRESS: Discuss the financials and targets for the rest of the year with DH. Discuss overall investment strategy
• TRIED BUT TO NO AVAIL: Plan dinner with MF.
• NO PROGRESS: Steps 1-3 with the five and ten year master plan (write it down!). Possibly start with step 4. Also involve DH if a good time arises. See file 2015.
April 12, 2016, 2:00 PM
Tax-return for MIL is completed.
Stretch and exercise not going well. Not the weight either.
Selling some things but need to continue here.
April 8, 2016, 8:24 AM
Tonight is finance discussion. We also need to plan the weekend some more.
For me stretching and flossing.
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April 8 to April 30
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