Work while I'm at work, and limit F... Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

mmeghann commits to:
FB only before 7 AM
Wildflowers Photos only while not at work
No news, no Amazon, no internet searching of any kind while at work; even if work related, unless it's ESSENTIAL, not at work.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
June 3, 2015, 3:49 AM
Well, I pretty much did it. I've been so much more productive, and less stressed. It's been great. Again the one time suck has been email - I haven't gone down the rabbit hole of emails that aren't at least psychiatry related, but... they aren't work. So I really shouldn't be charging for that time. I'm just not sure how to limit this. Perhaps I allow myself to check email at noon, and not on the phone. That way I can read/respond to important ones, but otherwise have to wait until after work. I'll try that.
May 28, 2015, 5:02 AM
Well, I thought I followed this. I knew I was pushing the envelope a bit with the ABCS emails, but interestingly there's no rule re: email. However, I have been looking at Wildflowers photos. So, what should I do about those emails? They are kind of work related and I don't know if I'll get to them at home, and they are really important to me, so those will be the exception of emails that I spend much time on. I think I should have a better system for email, though, to give me an opportunity to respond with some thought. Deb was really responsive, and I'd like to be, but I feel like I'm not even when I do get the email. I'll check work email, certainly. I guess it's not too much of a problem as it is. I'll give it some though. So, no more Wildflowers Photos. And I'll remember the FB restriction - only before 7. Period.
May 20, 2015, 11:28 PM
I've been a little bit more lax, I think. I'm going to try to be more strict because I feel like the benefits haven't been quite as great, although I definitely have more time at home and am less distracted and impatient as a result. Tighten it up a bit, and keep it up! I want to feel more productive at home, too, even outside of getting work done. I'd like to do more reading, I guess. I fall asleep reading at night, and don't stay all that focused. I wonder if there's another time for me to read. Maybe that can be one of the first things I do -- read for 20 minutes, then move on. Hm, I'll think it over and maybe try it out.
May 13, 2015, 4:04 PM
I did it - so far so good. I'm so much more productive at work as a result, and this has led to me being more free in the evenings to spend with my children and family. I struggle now with the unstructured computer time before bed, but one thing at a time. For now I'll accept that struggle, and try to kept an eye to my values.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
May 26 to June 2
May 19 to May 26
May 12 to May 19
May 5 to May 12
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Anti-charity (Political: American Crossroads (Super PAC supporting Republican Party))
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Total at stake: $4,000.00
Stakes per period: $1,000.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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