30 Day Challenge Star this Commitment
Week 4 of 4

jhrivnak4 commits to:
I commit to going out every night for 30 days, this includes going to Viking Tavern only 6 times. A night out involves 20 minutes at a venue. On Friday and Saturday night a number close, caveman, and verbal caveman are required. While in Boulder, if am completely unable to go out, may make up at the end of the challenge.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
March 18, 2013, 6:21 PM
The fourth week in Boulder went great! I left Thursday night. My first night I did at the Denver International Airport at the bar, from there I spent Friday and Saturday on Pearl Street and had several good sets and number closes, Saturday Night was an awesome night, I had lots of energy and dancing and conversation sets, I had a guy walk up to me in mid set and tell me that I am awesome, I met a interesting girl from New Mexico that night and got her number. Sunday we went to a hookah bar and I just chatted a few girls up around the bar, from there I went for a walk one night just out and around the hotel's neighborhood where I went into silver mine subs and talked to the people who worked there, another night I went out with Robert and we talked and played a couple games of pool, Wednesday and Thursday we all went to Press Play and hung out. I met one girl, Wednesday I met Allison who was 35, she was spiritual and I felt that we had a mutual connection and I was thinking it was going to work out but she ended up going to Denver when we stayed in Boulder the next night. I had some good street game on Thursday Night where I was able to make out with a girl I had just met. I got extra night and went to Pearl Street again on Friday night with Robert. Saturday I came home and had my first lay date! I invited the girl over to stay the night before the St. Patrick's Day Parade. We talked for awhile, I got her to my bed and showed her photos from Korea and Japan, then we talked some more, I made a move and it was on! Sunday was St. Patrick's Day and I went out to Barley House and did some approaches here and there, nothing too serious though. I realized I still have a lot of work to do especially in learning how to convey messages that communicate value and attraction to Women.
March 11, 2013, 11:13 PM
This week started slow, and upon arriving in Boulder picked up. I did the usual bar circuit Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Wednesday I had a great conversation with a guy who told me all about economics for perhaps an hour. I listened mostly but made some friends in the process. I did Thursday night at the Denver Airport and got confident with one of the bartenders asking if she knew where I could get some weed. Friday and Saturday, I hit Pearl Street alone, but had a great time discovering venues and lots of sets. Especially Saturday I was unstifled, approached all, and gave out some of my cards. Despite this my texting game has dropped off this week in exchange for meeting new people. Its definitely a trade off. Sunday night I smoked hookah with my cousins and approached 4 girls.
March 4, 2013, 11:51 PM
This week was tough but I made it through, I'm pretty sure I did it just like last week. Worked on Charisma by focusing on toes and had some solid conversational sets. Let loose a bit on the weekend and had some funner sets with some physical and attraction game. No pull's Tavern, Becky's, City Tap, Becky's, Downtown, Downtown, Becky's. I've been going to Becky's too much, I want to limit that to once per week for the rest of the challenge.
February 25, 2013, 10:25 PM
Strong First Week: Viking Tavern, City Tap, Becky's, Downtown, Downtown, Downtown, Becky's. Lots of texting game from previous week, met up with a pair of girls on two consecutive nights and began working out of the charisma myth book-had a great interaction with a girl at blind pig on Saturday by focusing on my toes. Finally, had a two hour conversation with a girl in her car.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 4 results.
March 11 to March 18
March 4 to March 11
February 25 to March 4
February 18 to February 25
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Abortion: Americans United for Life)
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Total at stake: $60.00
Stakes per period: $15.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $0.00
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