Study for 3 hours daily Star this Commitment
Day 13 of 19

katieb1801 commits to:
Studying at least 3 hours daily so I can catch up on material and eventually get ahead
Last reported: Success
Next report due:
February 22
5:00 AM GMT
My Commitment Journal
February 10, 2025, 11:14 AM
**to be clear, the previous note was for yesterday. I also want to be clear that while I almost made my goal, I did NOT actually achieve it. I have been making excuses for a long time and going easy on myself, and now it’s time that I be strict with myself and accept the consequences of not fully achieving my goals - whether it takes just this one money withdrawal or the next 10 withdrawals to retrain my brain to accept discomfort
February 10, 2025, 11:10 AM
I studied for almost 3 hours but not quite. It’s important that I give myself grace and recognize that this isn’t a bad thing. I failed, yes, but learning from failure leads to growth and success 😊
February 9, 2025, 10:03 PM
I’ve been doing well today so far. I have set Freedom on both my phone and laptop so that I cannot access social media and most games for the next 5 days so I can focus on self-improvement and being productive. So far, I have completed I think 2 hours of homework? It wasn’t 100% focused but I think this can gradually be improved. I relistened to about 20-25 minutes of a lecture and took notes on it and made more clean/organized notes. I have always struggled with a solid way to be efficient in piecing together material, so I am hoping this method will help. I am still going to put questions in Quizlet based off of these notes. There’s still so much I need to do to catch up and exams are in a week or two I think? I haven’t made a lot of progress yet but it’s something…. I need to remember to be kind to myself during this period, too, but these are the consequences of not having my life together right now. Now I am forced to get it together
February 9, 2025, 3:36 PM
For awhile, my goal has been to finish vet tech school and then eventually move onto vet school. My current me has been ferociously attacking me, however, and I have been struggling to achieve my goals lately. I find myself typically being consistent for a couple of weeks, and then I resort back to old habits…maybe I just haven’t gone about this strategically? I am hoping stickK will help drastically with thjs. In addition, since I have a social media addiction, I have downloaded Freedom to help combat this and to help train my brain to sit with discomfort and to help me not just fully recognize that discomfort is key to growth, but to also take action on that 💪🏻
  • Feb 9, 2025
  • Feb 9, 2025
  • Feb 9, 2025
  • Feb 9, 2025
  • Feb 9, 2025
Displaying 1-4 of 12 results.
February 20
February 19
February 18
February 17
Not Successful
No report submitted
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Animal Rights: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA))
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Study for 3 hours daily Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $95.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $35.00
Total Money Lost: $30.00
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