Day 68 of 162

PearlEphraim commits to:
start again journal every day even in my prayer book
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My Commitment Journal
March 6, 2025, 7:41 PM
Move on from both. Junior for whatever reason is a constant reminder of my relationship with Apiwe. It's like I'm dating the exact same person and I often wonder why God made me do this? I am wondering why God made me go through so much with both these men. I feel like I have my lessons but I'm exhausted you know. Junior and I spoke and it's over. I will move on after this. Maybe the break up and make up deep down I knew they weren't for me? I feel like that with Apiwe, perhaps minimum to no contact at all going forward. For my peace and my sanity? Cut them both off and start fresh especially with all the positive going on in my life. My car papers came. My debt is paid and just might buy a car by May. I'm planning to buy my car in May. Phone end of March I dunno hey I'm in a good place. Looking forward to Egypt and just realized letting go allows me to move on
March 2, 2025, 4:51 PM
Lol wow Junior and I are in a better place we saw each other and taking things slow. I realized Apiwe and I will never be the same ever again. It's over and to move on. He doesn't respect me or give me the benefit of the doubt ever. A part of me feels as God said to move on. Possibly even from both? Let go of both and allow things to fall into place. Perhaps my anxiety doesn't allow me to do anything ? Doesn't allow me to move on. Perhaps because I'm also constantly reminded of Apiwe. I think now I will take him to court
February 24, 2025, 6:32 PM
I really have no more in me in terms of other people. I think they all choose to live their lives how they choose which is selfish but so will I. I'm exhausted
February 21, 2025, 6:01 PM
I really feel like I don't even care anymore. Junior has me blocked out the blue... Apiwe hasn't checked up on Akoya. I'm over it
  • Jan 6, 2025
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March 7
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March 6
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March 5
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