Lose Weight Star this Commitment
Week 14 of 16

Aaron13g commits to:
Lose 16 lbs. in 16 week(s)
Last reported: Success
Next report due:
March 10
8:00 AM GMT
This week's goal:
191.8 lbs.
My Commitment Journal
February 24, 2025, 2:58 PM
On Monday, I had hit my goal on 1900
Tuesday I was at 2300 which was 300 over what I had said
I’ve forgotten that Wednesday I was supposed to have a high day so instead of actually looking at the numbers I ended up just following the bar at the top and hit 2600
Thursday I was at 1800 because I locked in and skipped carbs with dinner.
Friday I was way over and was at at least 3500 because it was a wedding. Instead of just eating the wedding food I drink and I had the chocolates and cake.
Saturday I finished way under because of EAG Bay Area. Based on how I tracked it I was under, but it was all catered so I have no idea.
And Sunday, I was on pace for the day to be only a little over but had a very stressful morning with my mom and justified eating candy at night instead of just saying and enjoying the game of DND .

Takeaways , I was on track for most of the week, but a few bad days didn’t really throw that off. Managing stress throughout the week is key and to do so I have to start focusing on externals.. but doesn’t mean I can’t love. It just means I’m not gonna lie. The stress dictate my behavior.
With that being said, I have a plan for today
February 17, 2025, 2:56 PM
Commitment goes well 2-3/7 days… I expect once I’m on a scheduled it’ll be better
February 10, 2025, 2:53 PM
Pretty poorly.

Last night I ate 1000 cal over because I went out to eat twice which was fine but it was also Super Bowl day and I snacked a lot

Few days before I also did similar things
January 6, 2025, 3:52 PM
I definitely had an excessive galleries on New Year’s Eve and on our trip with Maddie but honestly, I don’t feel like I should have to pay this.

Still, it is what it is and I made a commitment so I’ll stick to it.

InBody results say I gained 2 pounds of muscle in the last month
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 13 results.
February 24 to March 3
192.8 lbs.
192.2 lbs.
February 17 to February 24
Not Successful
Not Successful
192 lbs.
193.8 lbs.
February 10 to February 17
Not Successful
Not Successful
191.2 lbs.
193 lbs.
February 3 to February 10
Not Successful
Not Successful
189 lbs.
192.2 lbs.
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Animal Rights: Sportsmen's Alliance)
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Lose Weight Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $80.00
Stakes per period: $5.00
Remaining Stakes: $15.00
Total Money Lost: $35.00
This Commitment doesn't have any Supporters yet!
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