21 hours Coda project Jul 08-14 Star this Commitment
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TheMightySloth commits to:
📜 I commit to working on the Coda project for a total of 21h this week (Jul 08-14) 📜 and posting what I did/learned in the Stickk commitment journal
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My Commitment Journal
July 15, 2024, 8:49 AM
Okay. Here's everything I did in the past 48 hours for a total of ~17h to the Coda project (1st 4h done on Wed). I don't expect anyone to read all of this. 😂

First I finished up my research. I found that TheCodaGuy was a great YT channel for upping my skill level in Coda. But after I finished him earlier this week I didn't have any other sources to go by. Which was nice since that meant I was almost done with the research phase.

First I scoured YT for any other channels that might be as good as CodaTricks or TheCodaGuy. Turns out they are literally the only YT channels covering Coda stuff (for users). Huh. After that I went to the Coda's website and scoured their help documentation (courses). Most of it was completely irreverent and super basic (gearing for noob-level). I did find some that showed promise. I skimmed literally everything & watched some videos from these courses here:

There were 4-5 things that *would have been new* for me 3 weeks ago... but given that I've been learning from the absolute experts... I already knew the useful tidbits of knowledge.

Was worth it though just to exhaust the source.

After finishing research (YAY!!!) I moved onto yet more research (... wut?)

Yeah so basically I had A LOT of questions about tables and databases and relational databases and common code style and simpleton tables and what the F*** classes are and methods and ....
I'll spare you my insanity.

Long story short I spent a good amount of time learning about things that are actually relevant to REAL devs. And this is SUPER helpful because it allows me to hierarchy & name my tables correctly, format code properly, build longer-lasting structure, etc. It's the polish. The *critical* polish.

Part of that was also having a 1.5h conversation with my dad about this stuff as he tried (and failed) to help me grasp some of these concepts. Jk, jk, it did help some.

And while I cannot supply evidence for skimming through the Coda courses (it only took 2h anyway) I CAN supply evidence for all. that. frickin. research. Ya know how?

Here's my search history! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 (attached files w/ this post) Also these vids I remembered to save:

I find this enormously funny. I hope you are shaking your head right now. I'm still laughing.

Annnnyyyyways. After that I got straight into working on the basics needed to start modifying the tracker. That is (a) a good naming convention literally everything (b) a good way of styling code (means proper indenting & line breaks). Both are WAY easier said than done. Unless you've had to do it yourself, it's hard to understand why it takes so long, but it does.

Once I got a good system in place for writing code and naming conventions, I ACTUALLY got to the FUN PART!!! Yup. Started working on the Coda tracker. Yay me. But before we get into that, here is the progress made from the basics.

1st link: The old version of my "Best Practices" doc which had 80% of the naming conventions and like 50% of the formula writing info. Please notice how absolutely horrendous it is. And badly organized. (The page icon is because it will get deleted soon, and I like that icon 🔥)

2nd link: The new page that has updated, smooth, organized, simplistic information on the core concepts I need. The amount of time it took to get there was worth it. Feel free to explore it, although it's not big.

NOW. The tracker.

Since my research is finished (yay!) and the basics are finished (yay!) I'll be having fun updating the tracker in bits at a time. I aim to get it much more user-friendly, faster, and functional (3 F's!.... now how do I make that a fornication joke?.. ) What I did in the last segment of my 21h this week was the following:

Copied over the Formulas and Temp/Formulas pages from the self-contained Doc they were originally made in.

Started to reorganize all the pages/folders of the Squad tracker. Got 80% done and is good enough for now. Has a large section of "To-Do". You can see this by looking at the doc structure.

Renamed some pages and deleted some empty ones. Added some folders,

Gave the DoneSquad Coda tracker A PROPER LOGO!!!! Yaaah yuuuuh!!!! Ohhh it looks so good.
Based of the logo from "". It just took some time experimenting with colors and a some photo editing. Also made 10+ variations, so if Jen or Vlad doesn't like it they *may* like one of the other ones.

The homepage was fixed and is now actually semi-decent (although still empty)

Completely revamped the Asks page as my 1st easy mini-project. I'd highly suggest checking it out.

July 15, 2024, 8:48 AM
July 8, 2024, 4:14 PM
07-08 Skipping today. Talked with squad.
July 8, 2024, 4:30 AM
Success today 07-07.

Out of time to write down what I learned, will get to it tomorrow.
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