Exercise Regularly Star this Commitment
Week 17 of 20

Tmel8 commits to:
Exercise 3 days each week
Last reported: No report submitted
Next report due:
October 18
5:00 AM GMT
My Commitment Journal
July 21, 2024, 11:12 PM
Hello again. This is the last entry during this class period but I will try my best to make a post here continuously after this class is over. Thanks to this course I was able to begin my journey back to understanding why people exercise and how one can learn to enjoy it. going into this course I looked a exercise as something I only needed to help me in sports. Now that I no longer play football I figured that exercise was just one of those things that will no longer be apart of my life as I never truly enjoyed it. Over the past 5 weeks, I have worked hard to generate a positive relationship with exercise. First I just tried going whenever I had free time and just would go through the motions. After five weeks I have developed a schedule to make sure I exercise and I have found exercise more rewarding than before. As time progresses and hopefully a healthier relationship continues to grow I will try to increase the days I exercise. I want to be physically fit like formally was. I know this may not be feasible but I am sure going to try. Overall, I would call this past five weeks a success as I have gained a new respect for exercise. I have noticed now that there is this common misconception that athletes love working out or love exercise but I can tell you from personal experience that a lot of athletes don't love it. We love the sport and that's why we play but working out is scenes as a necessary evil. I hope as I continue to work on myself and my relationship with exercise I will continue to thank this class for making me think about it and as well make me want to make a change for the better.
July 14, 2024, 10:37 PM
This week seemed to go by very fast. I think it's because of how I set up my daily schedule to make sure I exercise. This has helped me make sure that I work out in some capacity every other day. My day starts at 4 am as I have to be at work at 5 am. I work from 5-9 or 5-1:30 depending on the day. I will then go home to hang out with my significant other for an hour. Following that, I take my dog over to my mother's house to play. This is around the time I find something to do for exercise. that could be going to the gym, going on a hike, or something to get my heart rate up. I have learned that if I do not change up my exercise routine, it becomes mundane and more chore-like to complete. After I exercise I head home to work on homework and/or prep for practice. I head to the field around 4 and am there till 9-9:30 pm. I then go pick my dog up from my mother's house to head home. Then I eat dinner, shower, and head to bed. This has become my basic daily routine. Between working, coaching, and exercise I find my days moving along quicker. Which in turn makes me cherish my weekends. Reflecting on my goal of gaining a better relationship with exercise is moving in the right direction. With attacking every time I exercise with that in mind I have noticed things about how I view exercise. I know now that if I continue to work out the same way each time I find myself not enjoying exercise. running/cardio is no longer my favorite part of exercising. I also think my mindset is slowly changing the more I make myself exercise on days I don't want to. I am striving for a better version of myself every time I exercise and that is pushing me to keep going. I'm finding that I am no longer chasing the massive numbers on how much can I lift but more of a better lifestyle where I am healthy.
July 7, 2024, 11:33 PM
After week two life has finally got in the way of my regular exercise. I have continued to walk my usual amount of steps per day but I was only able to go workout twice this week. As a football coach, we had meetings about what our plans will look like after the holiday week. I also work another job at our local Kroger for the summer which is great for getting my steps in but horrible for me to have extra time in the day. I also had to change my plans mid-week when my significant other said we were going to visit her family this weekend instead of next. With that being said it was hard finding the time to make it to the gym. So this week I will be trying to manage my time between my two jobs and just my regular day-to-day activities. I strive to go to the gym three times a week but this week I only made it to the gym twice. I plan on making sure that I generate enough time in my schedule to make it to the gym without sacrificing too much time that could be used for my daily activities. I know that is easier said than done but if I sit down and calculate the time spent during tasks and map out my day I feel as though I will achieve my goals. So far the work has been paying off as I have lost 6 ponds so far since challenging myself to this.
June 29, 2024, 3:44 AM
It has been a week since I have set out on this journey. This week seemed to fly by between work, working out, and coaching. I have reached my goal of going to the gym at least three times a week. I have begun focusing on one part of my body to work on when I go in to work out for that day. I also have started tracking the number of steps I take in a day. On a normal day, I walk around 18,000 steps and on a day when I am moving a lot I am around 22-23,000 steps. I find the more steps I take the more tired I am and the better I sleep. Using my enlisted supporter as a person to go to the gym with it has helped me go even when I did not want to. I even have them count my reps as I work out so I don't cheat myself. Right now I feel as though my progress has been successful. I try not to pay attention to the weight I'm lifting as much and I also stopped weighing myself every time I work out. I also found that throughout my day/week, I hold stress and tension in the area around my shoulder blades. So after I work out I go over to the hydro massage tables for a soothing moment of peace. I found this as something I look forward to when I go to the gym and have turned it into my reward. I am getting more excited about how this project will turn out. In the end, I am just hoping for a better relationship with exercise.
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October 4 to October 11
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September 27 to October 4
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September 20 to September 27
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September 13 to September 20
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