Transition to better rewards Star this Commitment
Day 32 of 32

triis11 commits to:
To set a new more rewarding path forward I will be clear and not burden myself with a. Caffine, b. Nicotine, c. PMO d. hookups e. massages f. MO. I will replace these more rewarding tasks that dont damage my sleep or self esteem. To dramatically improve my planning and focus I will also do HOP (20/20/20) in the morning and pomodoro app to focus throughout the day (aiming for 3 50 min sessions ).

I believe moving on to the more positive rewards below will lead to large compounding of benefits
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
February 2, 2024, 6:15 PM
Recruitment for the TRMD trial has been on my mind this month. I think the results of this trial and finishing the chronic pain trial have been a major stressor this month. It is interesting that despite not drinking caffeine and getting clarity of thought, the amount of stress I have felt has significantly degraded my sleep. I am grateful for the progress I made this month. I have been to many yoga classes, Limited PMO to 3 times, found a new romantic partner who I truly enjoy being with, finished the chronic pain trial, analyzed all results, started QMS+manufacturing, reached out to regulatory people for feedback, reached out to reimbursement expert, got paper on the cover of IEEE TMBE, and moving things forward with potential CEO DanD.
January 29, 2024, 9:43 PM
finished fMRI data figure. Just need to get stats on all 4, add figure to supplement and main text. Will then finalize inclusion criteria, finish figures, run and report stats in the text, then send to Jan and Akiko for review and to write the discussion and introduction. Today will go to yoga and make food for the week.
January 29, 2024, 2:35 AM
Celebrated with hannah the night before. Spent the day going through all the fMRI data and following up with patients about their scores. Need to collect subject's data for depression trial. Will do all sham to real for the last three.
January 27, 2024, 4:42 PM
Hoping to finish the last 5 days of this commitment waking up at 7am and slowly bringing that to 6pm. It is a lot less stressful without the chronic pain trial going and the results in. I believe the other trial will be extremely relieving once it is over. Today I will analyze the chronic pain results (or at least set up the freesurfer run for each subject), then get champaign and glasses and have a nice night with Hannah to celebrate finishing these trials.
    This Commitment has no photos.
Displaying 1-4 of 32 results.
February 1
January 31
January 30
January 29
Not Successful
No report submitted
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Abortion: Americans United for Life)
To change the Recipient of Stakes for your Transition to better rewards Commitment, enter their email address or stickK username below.
Total at stake: $320.00
Stakes per period: $10.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $30.00
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