SMART for losing 30 lbs. Star this Commitment
Week 8 of 8

leafboy commits to:
S-Eat low-carb meals 5 a day.
Measurable-Weigh myself weekly.
Acheivable- Daily 1 mile run.
Realistic-Do it in the morning.
Timely-Do it in the morning, shortly after waking up.
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
August 2, 2023, 8:30 PM
Eh I lost 6 lbs., which isn't too bad but it was not close to the original goal of losing 30. Now was losing 30 lbs within 8 weeks an unrealistic goal? I don't think so. I do believe theoretically if I stuck to a low-carb diet, maybe ate 2 meals a day, and regularly exercised, the weight loss would have been more effective(lose more weight in a smaller time frame). So, where did I fall short? There were times food just happened to almost come out of nowhere. There were times randomly my family would order pizza and Chinese from either Pizza Hut and Alessio's or Great China respectively, and so these high-carb options would be presented as a family dinner option. Not only are these food temptations, there was tension between members of the family, really centering around my father's recent relapse. The family unit was not talking with one another for a period of time so eating together presented an opportunity for all of us to reconcile. Honestly, the relations aren't completely healed, but it did feel like it helped at that moment. Anyways, I want to talk about another obstacle that came about during the training.

Sometime if I haven't ate,and I have been excercising, my stomach does feel like it is shrining. THis shrinking feeling is foreign because I am used to my tummy feeling full. I think a potential solution to help ease the shrinking feeling is to chew on some gum or something. I'm gonna invest in buying some gum.
July 25, 2023, 4:58 AM
This goal did not fall through. Although I am recently making more cardio gains (ran 3.6 and 3.8 miles this week), my diet has not been consistently low carb. Sometime I be eating popcorn which slows down the process as well. I do not run in the morning, I have found myself running late afternoons. I have been waking up at 11:30 AM consistently. I'm gonna do some Linkin Park sheesh and break the habit by changing my alarm to a louder noise and wake up at 9 AM. Just watch me. It's 12:57, and I'm gonna fooking do it.
July 24, 2023, 3:50 AM
Welp, it is week 7, and I currently weigh 172 lbs. I have lost 4 lbs so far.
July 10, 2023, 7:35 PM
I haven't been eating low-carb. My current routine has been back and bi's(half-ass tho), chest, and legs. Last week I did legs twice tho. I need to hit chest today tho. Thankfully, my only meal today thus far has been Amu's chicken squash curry. Usually this dish is served with rice or paratha but I just ate the curry so it was low-carb.
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Displaying 1-4 of 8 results.
July 24 to July 31
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July 17 to July 24
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July 10 to July 17
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July 3 to July 10
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