3 weeks of 6 hours on biz acq proje...
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Week 3 of 3
starlight808 commits to:
Doing 6 full hours of focused work per week completed by the end of day on Thursday.
This means 6 x 60 minutes. These can be broken up however I like.
No more reports due
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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
June 4 to June 11
- Committed user success report
This was an absolute game-changer. I am very grateful to myself for recognizing that I was letting non-priorities get in the way.
With this - it was so empowering to not let anything get in the way. And once I got into the task each time it was very manageable and within my scope.
Things to improve for next week is to get the hours in as soon as possible early in the week, because things may come up and it's good to start putting in wiggle room.