Ramadan Post-Iftar Schedule Star this Commitment
Day 8 of 8

safibta commits to:
I commit to not be in my home, during the Ramadan Post-Iftar (RPI) time 8:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. in local time-zone. Rules are in the journal entry starting with "Rules:" and their notice period is 12 hours before the upcoming pre-committed RPI time.
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My Commitment Journal
April 14, 2023, 7:31 AM

- If I end up deciding to change the upcoming instance of RPI time more than 12 hours before the upcoming pre-committed RPI time, I will put that information in the journal entry of this commitment at least 12 hours before the upcoming RPI time. If I fail to do so, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know about it.

- If I end up deciding to change the upcoming instance of my RPI time less than 12 hours before the upcoming pre-committed RPI time, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know before the upcoming pre-committed RPI time.

- This commitment applies only if I am in Daegu for the 12 hours before the stated RPI time.

- This commitment applies on the following days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

- This commitment also applies on the following specific dates: 2023-04-14 (Friday) and 2023-04-15 (Saurday).

- Home refers to the following location: 대구 북구 대학로 17길 17 (스카이빌) 206호, excluding the restroom

- Exception(s): I can enter my home during the RPI time for not more than 3 minutes at a time. (I can set a timer to keep track of the time in case I have to enter the home during the RPI time.) The present exception applies only when I have exited the home before the start of the RPI time.

- If I end up breaking any of the above rules, I will explicitly let my accountability partner Rahul know about it within 24 hours.
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April 21
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