Better finances Star this Commitment
Week 14 of 14

LinneaH commits to:
Continue the good work from previous commitments. Feels necessary in these harder times. Also, I want to be able to continue saving some money (even if not a lot) to be able to do things w/the kids and spend on what is important to me (good food, time w/friends, time off from work etc).
Will add specifics for certain time periods in the comments. In general: bring lunch from home most of the time, no/low unnecessary driving, shopping & eating out. Focus on no/low cost fun stuff w/the kids.
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My Commitment Journal
May 29, 2023, 7:29 PM
It's been a pretty good week, so a yes.
Brought lunch all days when in the office. Spent a lot on food/groceries , but not a lot on eating out, so that's good.
Had a good weekend, had to eat out due to reasons out of my control, but only $9 so not too bad. No shopping during weekend.
Bought clothes for DS2, which was absolutely necessary and got 3-for-2 items. He's growing :-D.
Had to buy a phone charger, cost $17 as I got a longer and not the cheapest. Hope it will last for some time.
Also had to buy some medical stuff, I am waiting for my special equipment, but it will take a couple of weeks more, and this will be fine for now, and will be back-up later on. Cost $19.

Did not buy stuff at the flea market.

Had to pay for some things where I should be refunded from a relative, but a bit unsure if this will be the case. If not, this is ok, as it was something good for DS1.
May 21, 2023, 11:08 AM
Three days at work last week, brought lunch every day.
Driving to see relatives, v.expensive but necessary. Will also go next weekend as relative cannot travel. Have said that I cannot go three weekends in a row and it was ok.
$10 wine, not necessary but a sanity saver.
Eating at McD once w/kids, could possibly have been avoided, but was due to last minute travel changes bc of ill relatives (out of my control), so it's ok.

Did a fun activity w/friend: $40, so worth it! Outdoors, moving, social. She had the experience, I have some, but couldn't have arranged this. But now I also can, if I want to go w/o her.
May 15, 2023, 8:50 PM
It's ok. Not perfect but ok. Brought lunch all days but one (doctors' appointment in the morning). Did an activity w/a friend, $40, but was absolutely worth it (outdoors, moving, fun, social).
May 8, 2023, 2:07 PM
one lunch, did not bring as had doc appointment in the morning
gifts for birthday kid, they were planned for and money set aside
had to fill up car but not much driving after
otherwise just food and bus/subway tickets

food is so expensive now, I have spent so much on groceries, and haven't bought expensive stuff
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Displaying 1-4 of 14 results.
June 24 to July 1
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June 17 to June 24
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June 3 to June 10
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