Social Fitness Foundation Star this Commitment
Week 31 of 31

soulFire commits to:
* 12-20 friendly greetings 6 days per week
* 3-5 extended conversations with strangers I approach 3 days per week (at least 3 of the total people per week must be women I find attractive)
* have difficult conversations when the need arises in my life
No more reports due
My Commitment Journal
July 22, 2019, 2:06 PM
Thanks! And enjoy yourself! This has been one of the most rewarding challenges of my life.
July 9, 2019, 11:38 PM
Haha, I love that, good on you. I'm planning to do a similar social experiment after I finish uni. :) You were the inspiration! So, thanks. :)
July 8, 2019, 2:33 AM
- asked everyone at the airport pickup zone if they would give me a 2hr ride across the desert. Many rejections. Was sort of relieved I had to pay for a hotel
July 8, 2019, 2:26 AM
Big wins of late:
- eye contact with other people is more and more comfortable
- aggressive guy wanted to fight me on the bus. Handled it.
- got mad at my friend because I didn't feel listened to. Felt my feelings and realized I was scared that we would grow apart. Let go and accepted that we might and it would be okay. Felt better. expressed my feelings with him and cried. Truly empathized with his back pain better than ever because I wasn't proud anymore. Gave him a massage and relieved his chronic back pain.
- asked a woman at the grocery store what her favorite granola bars were. We picked new brands for each other and traded phone numbers to report on what we thought of them.
- authentically shared how I felt with a high school crush I matched with when visiting home town. The feeling was mutual. I asked to kiss her and she said 'yes' it was sweet
- invited one of my friends to hang with a group of different friends without stressing. They liked each other!
- asked a stranger to give me a salsa dance lesson. When I saw a nearby cute woman look at us I practiced letting go of trying to win her approval/make her laugh. Enjoyed the lesson and had a bunch of fun at the dance.
- had playful conversation with Annie about nicknames and somehow exchanged phone numbers
- danced freely with a stranger. Connected deeply though playing on the dancefloor with her. We kissed and traded info.
- had a video chat with lovely dancer even though I was nervous that I wouldn't have anything to talk about. Practiced letting go of the fear that our connection was circumstantial and accepted that we might not get along. Spoke happily with her for nearly an hour. Told her I didn't like something that was important to her and it wasn't a big deal. We agreed to more chats later.
- asked to sit and eat with a strange babe at the airport. We had labored conversation and it was okay.
- directly complimented a beautiful person and spoke to her for 5min while my friends supportively waited for me. I said goodbye with asking for anything and felt good about leaving her with a compliment for nothing in return.
- felt bummed and didn't want to go home after work. Was unable to make a decision until digging deep and feeling that I was lonely. Rode the train to a new part of town to talk to strangers. One recommended a cheese shop that I went to. I fell in love with the woman behind the counter as she enthusiastically educated me about and fed me cheese. Decided I want to feel that way about everyone.
- realized the person I was talking to was frustrating to interact with because they were hours from their last cigar
- got so excited that I felt truly listened to in such a long time I couldn't stop talking and didn't leave space for conversation. Made an embarrassing joke when I left and practiced letting go of needing to be perfect.
- went dancing and knew I might run into someone that I had a humiliating experience with. Before going to the floor where they might be I decided to listen to the band downstairs and feel everything that was boiling in my chest and solar plexus. I practiced letting go of the need to know what to say or how to interact with them if I saw them and accepted that I could make it worse by being awkward or that I could be more weird in general. Felt more calm and enjoyed the band downstairs more than the band upstairs. Went upstairs to dance and they weren't there.
- had a difficult conversation with my friend about her relationship and her partner's unacceptable behavior regarding they way he ghosts her
- reached out to my brother
- embraced the public embarrassment my father was putting me through with his declarations everyone in the insurance agency about my status and poor choice of clothes. Upon walking out I turned around and triumphantly took a bow for all to see.
- had labored conversation with a woman I have a small crush on at work and let it be whatever it was.
- was ignored by an acquaintance I find attractive when I mentioned how I lost her phone number. Was embarrassed to tell her I deleted her text intentionally because I mistakenly thought it was spam. It's okay.
- friendly greetings are becoming second nature for me.
- interrupted 2 giant athletic guys' conversation so I could get to the coconut milk at the grocery store
  • Mar 19, 2019
Displaying 1-4 of 31 results.
October 14 to October 21

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
October 7 to October 14

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
September 30 to October 7

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
September 23 to September 30

- Referee approval report
- Committed user success report
Recipient of Stakes
Anti-charity (Environmental: The National Center for Public Policy Research)
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Total at stake: $3,999.00
Stakes per period: $129.00
Remaining Stakes: $0.00
Total Money Lost: $129.00
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